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Dr Andy Sheppard

Chief Research Scientist


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Chief Research Scientist in CSIRO having joined the organisation in 1986 based in France. Based in Australia working on biosecurity and invasive species management.

Since 2006 has been a CSIRO Research leader of three different programs on plant, animal and environmental biosecurity and terrestrial biodiversity management. He was Research Director in the CSIRO Health & Biosecurity business unit from 2015-2021.

Current primary role is a secondment into the Commonwealth Department Agriculture Fisheries and Forestry as Co-Executive Director of DAFF-CSIRO Catalysing Australia's Biosecurity Initiative after instigating this partnership across both agencies. This $50-$100M Mission launched in early 2024. He is the non-residential Director of CSIRO’s European Laboratory in Montpellier since 2002.

He serves on a number of boards/advisory committees including the OECD Cooperative Research Programme Governing Board and the Scientific Advisory Body under the Trade and Agriculture Division, the Federal Government National Biosecurity Committee, and the Federal Government Threatened Species Scientific Committee. He is also the IUCN Species Survival Commission Focal Person for the IUCN National Committee (NC) of Australia.

He has led a portfolio of research projects in weed and pest and invasive species management based on Australia, South Africa and France

He was elected to the Australian Academy of Technology & Engineering in 2019 and International Fellow of the Académie d'Agriculture de France in 2020

Current Roles

  • Co-Executive Director DAFF-CSIRO Catalysing Australia's Biosecurity initiative
    Seconded to DAFF to set up this partnership under the DAFF-CSIRO MOU

  • Director
    CSIRO European Laboratory

  • Visiting Professor Biosecurity ANU

  • Vice-President OECD Cooperative Research Programme
    Governing Body