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Dr Neil Sims

Remote sensing research scientist


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Dr Neil Sims is a Research Manager at CSIRO, Australia, with more than 25 years’ experience in the use and development of Earth observation (EO) remote sensing to provide information on a wide range of environmental features ranging from landscape ecology, forest plantation management, water resources modelling and land degradation assessment.

Neil is an internationally recognised expert in the assessment of land degradation in the SDG system, and was lead-author of the Good Practice Guidance report describing the use of remote sensing to measure and report on United Nations SDG 15.3.1 (the proportion of degraded land over total land area) for the UN Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD). On behalf of the team, Neil received the inaugural 2019 GEO Sustainable Development Goals Award for Innovation during GEO Week 2019 in Canberra, in recognition of global leadership in the use and development of novel and innovative Earth observations methods to address the SDGs. Neil is a co-Chair of the Group on Earth Observations (GEO) Land Degradation Neutrality (LDN) Flagship, and the Committee on Earth Observation Satellites (CEOS) Ad Hoc Team on SDGs. Neil has also been a member of expert groups reviewing GEO's data platforms.

Neil has represented his work, CSIRO and Australia at many international technical and high-level meetings and workshops including the Global Forest Observation Initiative, the UNCCD, the UN Food and Agriculture Organisation FAO, the Digital Belt and Road program and GEO. Neil has been a member of Australian delegations to GEO and the United Nations, including to the UN Headquarters for the High-Level Political Forum (New York, July 2018) at which Australia presented its first Voluntary National Report on SDGs.

Neil was Program Manager of CSIRO’s Space Technology Future Science Platform from September 2019 to September 2023, which funds and coordinates a wide range of technical projects to support the development of Australia’s space industry. This role also included a secondment to Defence Material Technology Centre (DMTC) Limited, which delivers research and technology solutions to enhance Australia’s national security capabilities. Neil joined AquaWatch Australia from June 2021 to September 2023, where he led production of the Mission Business Case and Implementation Roadmap (the key strategic documents for the Mission). Neil also led implementation of the international Pilot Sites in Chile, Colombia, Vietnam, Malaysia and the United States. Neil represented AquaWatch Australia across the Australian media during the Mission launch, including appearances on many national and local television, radio and print media. Neil also led the AquaWatch activities on international Indigenous engagement, including at the UN Global Challenges on Water Quality workshop in Petten, The Netherlands in September 2023.

Neil's work in the CSIRO Climate Science Centre has included supporting the delivery of climate science to the Pacific Islands to support their national adaptation planning, and leading delivery of the 2024 State of the Climate Report. Neil is also developing strategic plans for the Habitat Condition Assessment System (HCAS) and the Indo-Pacific Plastics Innovation Network (IPPIN).

Other Interests

Neil enjoys many creative arts. Neil has created most of the many paintings, sculptures and photographic artworks in his home. Neil is an experienced musician and has released several albums through popular streaming services. Neil was a member of his local cricket club committee for 5 years, coordinating sponsorship for the club. Neil likes to play a few games of cricket a year, especially with his son who is a much better cricketer than him. Neil is a reasonable handyman and likes to design and build things around his home, and he enjoys cooking for his family whenever he can.

Current Roles

  • Co-Chair
    Group on Earth Observations (GEO) Land Degradation Neutrality Flagship

  • Lead
    Committee on Earth observations Satellites (CEOS) Sustainable Development Goals Land Degradation activity

Academic Qualifications

  • 2005

    PhD - The landscape-scale structure and functioning of floodplains
    University of Canberra

  • 1996

    B.Sc (Hons1) - Remote sensing of wetland vegetation. Great Cumbung Swamp
    University of Canberra

Achievements and Awards

  • 2022-2022

    Individual Excellence Award, 2022
    Group on Earth Observations (GEO)

  • 2020-2020

    Collaboration Medal
    CSIRO, the Northern Australian Water Resource Assessment project

  • 2019-2019

    Award for Innovation in SDG research
    Group on Earth Observations (GEO)

  • 2019-2019

    Graduate, Executive Space Program
    International Space University

  • 2019-2019

    Growing our Impact Award
    CSIRO Land & Water, for developing the Good Practice Guidance document for SDG 15.3.1

  • 2016-2018

    Fellow, Science to Policy Leadership Program (2016) and Masterclass participant (2018)
    Peter Cullen Trust

We have publications by Dr Neil Sims