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Dr Almeida is a Principal Research Scientist in CSIRO Environment. He was awarded a PhD in Resource Management and Environmental Science from the Australian National University in 2003. He has 37 years of research experience, primarily working in forestry, agriculture and water-resource management. He combines field experimentation and process-based modelling to create an advanced understanding of how trees and crops respond to different environmental conditions and management practices at different scales. This accumulated knowledge has been used to develop sustainable and environmentally sound production systems for planted and native forests, and agricultural crops; a particular focus has been on water use and catchment management. The science and its application have been undertaken in Australia, and several countries in South America, Europe and Southern Asia. He currently leads a multi-disciplinary project in Nepal in basin plan and water resources management funded by the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT), and in collaboration with the Government of Nepal. This project is developing basin plan strategy implementation action plan for water resources management in the Kamala River Basin which is strongly linked to capacity building of in-country staff.
Several of the Australian and international projects in the forestry sector have involved long-term applied research with companies and governmental agencies; the focus has been on sustainable wood production and quantifying and improving water use. Using sensor networks to collect field data, Dr Almeida has created and applied models so that growers can predict the effects of tree plantations on catchment water balance and water-use efficiency and respond and adapt to the impacts of climate change. He has also developed strategic research plans for large companies in South America.
Before joining CSIRO, he worked as a senior research scientist for fourteen years in the industrial forestry sector in Brazil, where he was the first person to develop and apply process-based models in the context of managing large-scale forest plantations in Brazil. This led to changes in their planning and management.
From 1988 to 1991 Dr Almeida worked as a researcher for the Italian National Energy Agency (ENEA), IFAD (United Nations) and Ecotherm Spa in Italy in the field of environmental impact assessment.
Other Interests
Gardening, snorkeling, swimming (pool and open water), bushwalking, dog training, travelling and learn different cultures and idioms.
Fluent in English, Portuguese, Spanish and Italian
Achievements and Awards
Gottstein Trust Fellowship
Gottstein Trust -
Swarm Sensing Project, Tasmanian iAward winner – R&D
Australian Computer Society
Professional Areas
Fields of Research
- Natural Resource Management (050209)
- Ecological Impacts of Climate Change (050101)
- Environmental Impact Assessment (050204)
- Surfacewater Hydrology (040608)
- Landscape Ecology (050104)
- Environmental Management (050205)
- Stochastic Analysis and Modelling (010406)
- Environmental Monitoring (050206)
- Soil Physics (050305)
- Carbon Sequestration Science (050301)
- Meteorology (040107)
- Hydrogeology (040603)
- Environmental Rehabilitation (excl. Bioremediation) (050207)
Current Roles
Project Leader - Supporting the implementation of basin development planning in Nepal
Promote rural development, water management and capacity building in Kamala basin in Nepal -
Project Leader
Predicting forest plantation growth and water use in plantations in Portugal -
Project Leader
Development and application of process-based model in the forestry industry in Australia -
Site Manager
Manage the Tasmanian sites of International Cosmos Sensor Network (ICSN). These contribute to the understanding of soil moisture dynamics at the landscape level and development of soil moisture sensing and mapping protocols using high resolution electronic conductivity instruments for precision agriculture
Academic Qualifications
Partnership Brokers, Partnership Brokers Association, Canberra, Australia -
Specialization, Leadership Essential
Melbourne, Australia -
PhD, ANU, Australia
The Australian National University -
Business Development
Fundação Don Cabral, Brazil -
Specialization, Remote Sensing and Natural Resources Management
University of New Mexico, USA -
Specialization, Engineering of Renewable Energy Sources - Sogesta, Italy
ENI, Urbino, Italy -
Bachelor of Agricultural Engineer - University of Taubate;, Brazil
University of Taubate, Brazil
Professional Experiences
Principal Research Scientist
CSIRO, Environment, Sandy Bay, TAS, Australia -
Senior Research Scientist,
CSIRO, Land and Water, Hobart, Australia -
Senior Research Scientist
Aracruz Celulose, ES, Brazil -
Environmental Consultant
IFAD, United Nations, Rome Italy -
Project Engineer
Ecotherm, Rome, Italy
Community and Corporate Citizenship
Ecohydrology Laboratory Custodian
Warden member of CSIRO Sandy Bay site
We have publications by Dr Auro Almeida