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Dr Marzi Barghamadi is a Research Scientist at CSIRO Manufacturing leading Battery Materials and Design Team. The Team includes scientists, postdoctoral fellows, and students working on different aspects of lithium ion/ metal batteries to support Australian and international industries in solving their scientific and technical challenges, and to contribute to future scientists’ education in the area. Her research interests are electrolytes formulation and optimisation (including ionic liquids), modified separators, modified electrode fabrication/ composition/ surface, cell electrochemical studies and customised cell fabrication for both lithium metal (mainly Li-S) and lithium ion batteries. Marzi has received multiple prestigious awards such as 2020 L'Oréal-UNESCO For Women in Science Fellowship, 2021 Victoria Fellowship in Physical Sciences, and 2021 Clean Energy Council’s Chloe Munro Scholarship.
Furthermore, she is a member of Australian Battery Society (ABS) since 2022 and supporting ABS for events and preparing newsletter materials.
Other Interests
Marzi is supporting women's career in science through her involvement in Women in Chemistry (WinC) Group- Royal Australian Chemical Institute (RACI) Victoria since 2014. The WinC aims to promote networking and skills development opportunities for people working in chemical sciences, especially women.
She joint the committee in 2014 and promoted to Deputy Chair position in 2018. Marzi was leading the team as WinC Committee Chair in 2019 when the group was positioned "Number One” RACI Victoria Branch Group of the Year 2019, for the first time since WinC has founded.
Her other professional memberships are RACI since 2018 and International Society of Electrochemistry (ISE) in 2018.
Professional Areas
Fields of Research
Current Roles
Team Leader/ Project Leader
Team Leader of the Battery Materials and Design Team; Leading and contributing in interdisciplinary research projects; Managing battery prototyping laboratory; Supervising local and international postgraduate students and postdocs for their research on lithium batteries; Contributing in planning and preparing research proposals and leading/ carrying out the experiments for battery-related projects
Academic Qualifications
PhD- Chemistry (Lithium-Sulfur Batteries)
Swinburne University of Technology -
MSc- Chemistry (Analytical Chemistry)
Tarbiat Moallem University, Tehran -
BSc- Chemistry
University of Tehran
Professional Experiences
June 2022-Present
Team Leader
July 2021-Present
Research Scientist
November 2020-February 2021
Acting Team Leader, Electrochemical Systems Team
CSIRO Manufacturing -
September 2016-June 2021
Experimental Scientist
April 2017-August 2017
Endeavour Research Fellow
Münster Electrochemical Energy Technology (MEET)- Germany -
February 2016-August 2016
Research Technician- Lithium batteries
April 2014-October 2016
Laboratory Demonstrator and Tutor
Swinburne University of Technology
Achievements and Awards
2023 David and Valerie Solomon Award
Australian Academy of Technological Sciences & Engineering (ATSE) -
2023 Julius Career Award
2021 Victoria Fellowship in Physical Sciences
International Study Mission -
December 2021-December 2022
2021 Clean Energy Council’s Chloe Munro Scholarship for Transformational Leadership
Clean Energy Council -
July 2021-July 2021
Manufacturing MI Program "Focus on Safety" Award for safely relocating Manufacturing Clayton battery labs and upgrading lab safety (Electrochemical Systems Team)
2020 L'Oréal-UNESCO For Women in Science Australia & New Zealand Fellowship
International Study Mission -
May 2019-May 2019
Selected Early Career Researcher from CSIRO Manufacturing BU to join Science at The Shine Dome in Canberra
CASS Travel Award
Contributing to Australian Scholarship and Science (CASS) -
April 2017-August 2017
2017 Endeavour Research Fellowship
Münster Electrochemical Energy Technology (MEET)- Germany -
Swinburne University Postgraduate Research Award (SUPRA)
Swinburne University of Technology
2021 Victoria Fellowship Award in Physical Sciences
2020 L'Oréal-UNESCO For Women in Science Australia & New Zealand Fellowship
CASS Travel Award
Endeavour Research Fellowship
Swinburne University Postgraduate Research Award (SUPRA)
Community and Corporate Citizenship
Invited Mentor for L'Oréal Australia For Women in Science Mentoring Scheme
Invited Mentor for RACI Mentoring Program
Chair, Women in Chemistry (WinC)-RACI
Member, International Society of Electrochemistry (ISE)
Deputy Chair, Women in Chemistry (WinC)-RACI
Member- Royal Australian Chemical Institute (RACI)
Committee Member, Women in Chemistry (WinC)- RACI
Related links
We have publications by Dr Marzi Barghamadi