Mr Peter Caley
Pronouns: he,him,his
Senior Research Scientist
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Peter is a senior research scientist with CSIRO Data61 who applies quantitative data-driven methods to address contemporary problems in the environmental, agricultural and health sciences. Across Australia and New Zealand Peter has undertaken research for numerous end-users, addressing questions such as the effect of climate change on the distribution of vertebrate pests, the transmission and control of infectious diseases of humans and wildlife, surveillance for plant biosecurity, screening for invasive species, environmental risk analysis, understanding population dynamics of rare, endangered and/or unwanted vertebrate species, assessing eradication programs, providing advice to wildlife managers, and evaluating the information content arising from citizen surveillance. He is a strong believer in the primacy of data in scientific discovery and has taught courses in statistics, biological modelling and epidemiology.
Current Role
In his current CSIRO role from 2011 to the present he has undertaken quantitative research to underpin the effective management of environmental resources, including the development and application of statistical methods to generate quantitative inference where previously, qualitative assessments dominated.
* Successfully managed a small team of scientists.
* Developed statistical models for quantifying horticultural product integrity using multiple lines of evidence including in-field pest surveillance and post-harvest sampling (Caley et al. 2024).
* Developed and applied new analytical techniques for assessing trends in the abundance of flying foxes (Westcott, Caley et al. 2018) that have recently been applied to a long-term monitoring study by the CSIRO that demonstrates that the grey-headed flying fox population is going ok (Vanderduys, Caley et al. 2024).
* Developed methods for the rigorous analysis of long-term trends in waterbird abundance that corrects for variations in populations and surveyed counts resulting from antecedent rainfall conditions (Caley et al. 2021).
* Contributed to the long-term monitoring of trends in the abundance of bogong moths (Green, Caley et al 2021, Caley and Welvaert 2018), and identified possible drivers of decline (Caley 2022).
* Developed and illustrated methods for estimating citizen surveillance reporting sensitivity as a function of species abundance and physical characteristics (Caley et al. 2020), and assessed the effectiveness of citizen surveillance for exotic vertebrates (Caley & Barry 2022) and whether data mining of social media feeds could be warranted (Caley & Cassey 2023).
* Contributed to the development of novel data-based methods for updating invasion risks on the basis of failed incursion attempts (Heersink, Caley et al 2020).
- Analysed citizen science counts to correctly infer trends in populations of Carnaby's black cockatoos, illustrating the dangers of incorrect modelling assumptions driven by agenda-based analysis (Caley et al. 2018).
- Led projects in the field of Biosecurity risk for industry, including a risk assessment of ports for bee pests and pest bees (Caley et al. 2013), and optimization of surveillance (Caley et al. 2016 — Client-in-confidence) with direct uptake by Biosecurity agencies.
- Applied novel methods for monitoring trends in environmental indicators of ecosystem health in the Murray Darling Basin (Colloff, Caley et al. 2015). Led a review of the East Australian Waterbird Survey for the NSW Department of Environment and Heritage (Caley & Barry 2013 – Client-in-Confidence).
- Led research into the use of novel (e.g. airport runway strikes) and citizen science type data (e.g. road kills) to make inference on the distribution and abundance of foxes in Tasmania (Caley et al. 2015, Caley et al. 2017). This work was instrumental in demonstrating to management agencies (DPIPWE) that the most likely number of foxes in Tasmania was in fact zero.
- Led research into the development and testing of methods for inferring extinction of rare species or invasive species subject to eradication campaigns (see Caley & Barry 2014).
- Continued to be sought after for expert knowledge in epidemiology. For example, undertaking a review of science underpinning eradication of bovine TB from New Zealand (Caley 2015).
- Developed and applied quantitative models to explore ecological relationships, such as the response of dingo populations to invading deer populations (Forsyth, Caley et al 2018).
Previous roles
Bureau of Rural Sciences & ABARES
Research Scientist, 2008 to 2011
Undertook quantitative research to underpin policy development in the rural sciences. Emphasis on predicting the distribution and abundance of invasive vertebrate species, and quantifying incursion risks associated with commodity importation.
* Led project on predicting the effects of climate change on the distribution of vertebrate pests in NSW under climate change (see Caley et al. 2011).
* Applied robust quantitative methods of expert elicitation to inform decision making in the advent of significant range extensions by marine pests (Darbyshire & Caley 2009).
Australian National University National Center for Epidemiology & Population Health
Research Fellow, 2005 to 2008
As part of a capacity building grant, I undertook research using mathematical modelling to aid the understanding of and provide policy support for the control of infectious diseases, particularly pandemic influenza. I also taught biostatistics course to Masters of Applied Epidemiology students.
* Illustrated the limitations of border screening of passengers in managing the delay in the importation of pandemic influenza (see Caley et al. 2007). This work directly influenced Department of Health policy.
* Demonstrated the major contribution that non-pharmaceutical interventions (e.g. social distancing) would achieve in mitigating epidemics, with emphasis on pandemic influenza (see Caley et al. 2008). This was one of the first research papers worldwide to highlight the major role that social distancing could play in epidemic mitigation (and subsequently did during the SARS-CoV2 pandemic).
* Worked as part of larger team that undertook a major project using mathematical models to assess response to an outbreak of an emerged viral respiratory disease (see Becker et al. 2006).
CSIRO Division of Entomology
Postdoctoral fellow, 2003 to 2005
This postdoctoral project aimed to provide the theoretical basis for more effective and scientifically defendable plant & insect biosecurity risk analyses and to quantify the relative risks posed to plant biosecurity by different import sectors.
* Quantitatively evaluated the performance of Australia’s weed risk assessment system (Caley et al. 2006) and developed alternatives (Caley & Kuhnert 2006).
* Developed and applied methods for estimating the proportion of introduced plants that will naturalize (Caley et al. 2008).
* Evaluated the information content of data collected at the quarantine border for estimating the incursion risk of insects (see Caley et al. 2014).
* Undertook a timely revision of the role of modelling in making inference on Mycobacterium bovis infection in brushtail possums (Caley 2006).
* Reviewed the evidence of irruptive dynamics in introduced herbivores (Forsyth & Caley 2006).
Wildlife Ecology, 1994 to 2001
In this position I undertook research into the epidemiology and management of bovine tuberculosis (Tb) infection in New Zealand wildlife, including brushtail possums, feral pigs, feral ferrets, feral cats and wild deer. Research has included the use of observations, field experiments, mathematical and statistical modelling to make inferences on key questions such as intra- and inter-specific disease transmission pathways, disease host status, and rates of transmission to livestock.
* Undertook the original research into quantifying the transmission of bovine tuberculosis from wildlife to domestic livestock (e.g. Caley et al. 1999)
* Led research to estimate disease transmission rates within species (e.g. Caley & Hone 2002), between species (e.g. Caley & Hone 2004), and make inference on host status (e.g. Caley & Hone 2005).
Northern Territory Department of Primary Industries & Fisheries
Research Scientist
This position undertook research into the role of feral pigs as hosts of bovine tuberculosis in the flood plain habitats of the Northern Territory. I developed (programmed) and implemented a computerised database for monitoring radio-collared “Judas” buffalo and cattle in the Northern Territory, and to train livestock officers in its use.
* Landmark paper demonstrating that wild pigs in Northern Australia were spillover hosts for bovine tuberculosis (McInerney, Small & Caley 1995)
Wildlife ecology & Management, 1989—1992
Research into the ecology and movements of feral pigs in woodland/riverine habitats of the Northern Territory. The primary aim of the project was to obtain field data to predictively model the temporal and spatial dynamics of a potential foot-and-mouth disease outbreak in feral pigs.
* Undertook original research into the population dynamics (Caley 1993) and movements (Caley 1997) of wild pigs in the Northern Territory.
* Evaluated both trapping (Caley 1994) and hunting (Caley & Ottley 1995) as methods for control of wild pigs.
Professional Areas
Fields of Research
Academic Qualifications
BSc (Math/physics)
University of Queensland -
MApplSc (Applied Science)
University of Canberra -
PhD (Applied ecology)
University of Canberra
Professional Experiences
Research scientist
Landcare Research Ltd, New Zealand -
Northern Territory University -
Postdoctoral fellow (Risk analysis for biosecurity)
CSIRO Entomology -
Bureau of Rural Science/ABARES -
Research Fellow (Mathematical modelling of infectious disease)
Australian National University -
Senior Research Scientist
Achievements and Awards
Graeme Caughley Travelling Scholarship
Australian Academy of Sciences/Australia Wildlife Management Society -
Customer First Award for the "Daily COVID Analytics Team" -- Highly Commended
CSIRO Digital, National Facilities & Collections
Other highlights
Invited Member of Expert Panel convened in Saskatoon, Canada, evaluating chronic wasting disease in Canadian cervids
Invited expert reviewer of the science underpinning New Zealand's strategy for complete biological eradication of bovine tuberculosis
Independent Technical Reference Group (Applied Statistician) for Kosciuszko National Park Wild Horse Management Plan
We have publications by Mr Peter Caley