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I am a Team Leader with CSIRO Oceans and Atmosphere, with expertise on the identification, analysis, management and conservation of marine biodiversity and data systems to support these efforts. This work has been part of the CERF, NERP and NESP Marine Biodiversity and Marine and Coastal Hubs, leading projects on prediction of biodiversity, cumulative impacts and management of biodiversity within Australias EEZ. This work includes the develop approaches to the management of marine biodiversity for the Australian Government. Key elements include the Monitoring Prioritisation for Australian Marine Parks and Guidelines for Cumulative Impact Assessments.

I am currently the Protected Places Management Mission co-lead in the NESP Marine and Coastal Hub. This role will identify the priorities for research in Protected Places to support the needs of DCCEEW over the duration of the hubs. The role spans marine and terrestrial, considering the research needs to support management in Australian Marine Parks, National Parks, World Heritage Areas and RAMSAR sites. The Mission will coordinate research across all 4 NESP Hubs

I am leading a CSIRO team working in the Pacific and Indian Oceans to assist countries to develop the technical capacity to improve the governance and management of oceans. This includes support for information management, geospatial analysis, and development of environmental policy. This applies our experience from Australia to support activities in other countries

I have worked extensively with the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) to provide scientific and technical expertise on Ecologically or Biologically Significant Areas (EBSA). The CBD program on EBSA has described 203 areas within national jurisdiction and in areas beyond national jurisdiction.

Current Roles

  • Biodiversity Domain Leader, Coasts and Oceans research
    Strategic leadership of biodiversity research with COR

  • Protected Places Mission co-leader, NESP Marine and Coastal Hub
    Leadership of protected place research for the NESP program

Academic Qualifications

  • 2000

    University of Tasmania

We have publications by Dr Piers Dunstan