Dr Alistair Hobday
Research Director & Senior Principal Research Scientist
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Dr Alistair Hobday is Research Director for CSIRO’s Sustainable Marine Futures Program and is based in Hobart, Australia. His research includes investigating the impacts of climate change and extreme events on marine biodiversity and fishery resources, and developing, prioritising and testing adaptation options to underpin sustainable use and conservation into the future. He co-developed the Ecological Risk Assessment for the Effects of Fisheries (ERAEF) approach to risk-based management for fisheries, which has been applied in more than 15 countries around the world and is used to provide tactical management advice to the Australian Fisheries Management Authority. Alistair has recently co-led the development of the world’s first marine heatwave forecasts, which are helping decision makers manage risk in the Blue Economy. He is a highly cited researcher (2019-2023) with more than 350 publications and contributed to the IPCC 4th (one of 1500 scientists sharing in the Nobel Peace Prize) and 5th assessment Australasia chapters. He is a founding member of the International Marine Heatwaves Working Group, and a current Fellow of the international Integrated Marine Biosphere Research program (IMBeR). In 2018 he received the Australia Society for Fish Biology’s Lifetime Achievement Award, and in 2023 he was elected as a Fellow of the Australian Academy of Technological Sciences and Engineering (ATSE).
Other Interests
Marine heatwaves - detection and attribution - www.marineheatwaves.org
Reduction of roadkill - www.roadkilltas.org
Professional Areas
Academic Qualifications
Ph.D. Biological Oceanography, Scripps Institution of Oceanography, California
BSc (Hons) Stanford University, California
Achievements and Awards
Highly-cited researcher
Web of Science -
K. Radway Allen Lifetime Achievement in Fish and Fisheries Science Award
Australian Society for Fish Biology
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