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Dr Brent Henderson

Group Leader - Quantitative Risk, Analytics and Decision Sciences


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Brent Henderson is currently Group Leader of the Quantitative Risk Group within the Analytics and Decision Sciences (A&DS) Program in CSIRO Data61.

The group is focussed on improving robust and risk-based decision making in high consequence and high uncertainty settings through cutting edge data-driven analytics. This include a focus on adaptive sampling and surveillance, quanitative and probabilsitic risk assessment frameworks and decision making under uncertainty.

Application domains include environment and ecology, agriculture, biosecurity, climate resilience and crtical infrastructure.

Brent has a background in statistical science and has been working at the interface of statistical science, risk analysis and environmental and agricultural challenges within Australia for almost 20 years. He has a broad interest in delivering integrated science and specifiic technical interests spatio-temporal modelling, monitoring and survey design, reconciling data with modelled observations, multivariate analysis, risk analysis and cumulative impact analysis.

Some of his recent projects and roles include:

  • CSIRO Science Director of Bioregional Assessments ( ) which delivered science based assessments of the direct, indirect and cumulative impacts and risks of coal mining and coal seam gas on water resources and water related assets; including ecological, economic and sociocultural assets in key regions in Eastern Australia.

  • Leading work in the area of on-farm experimentation through the Digiscape future science platform within CSIRO. The broad challenge in this area is help ensure that the explosion of digital data in agriculture is actively used in farmer-led decision making through a much stronger focus and coupling of the design and analysis.

  • Undertaking an ecological risk assessment for potential release of a carp virus in Australian waters to manage carp abundance and improve aquatic ecosystem health as part of the National Carp Control Plan

  • As a member of the leadership group for the Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence Future Science Platform