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Neil Huth is a farming systems researcher and team leader (“Digital Innovations”) with CSIRO in Toowoomba. He has over 32 years’ experience in the development and use of simulation modelling for use in farming systems analysis to improve agricultural production, minimise environmental impacts and to provide decision support. He has employed these skills to grains, sugarcane, grazing and horticultural systems across Australia, smallholder systems in Africa, and oil palm systems in Papua New Guinea. Neil has also led a portfolio of projects studying the interactions between broad scale coal seam gas developments and agriculture on the Darling Downs in Queensland. These projects have investigated issues relating to farmer relations, economic impacts and opportunities, surface hydrology and erosion risk, and soil damage and rehabilitation. Neil’s current research focus is exploring the use of modern digital technologies to better inform decisions to provide better economic and environmental outcomes.

Academic Qualifications

  • 1989

    Bachelor of Applied Science
    University of Southern Queensland

  • 1990

    Graduate Diploma in Information Technology
    University of Southern Queensland

  • 2010

    Doctor of Philosophy
    University of Queensland

Professional Experiences

  • 1991-present
