Dr Robyn Hall
Research Scientist - Molecular virology; Team Leader - Rabbit biocontrol team
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I am a veterinary virologist whose research focuses on innovative and applied solutions for improving rabbit biocontrol using rabbit caliciviruses. I am broadly interested in infectious diseases, with a strong focus on virus evolution, epidemiology, and host-pathogen interactions.
My current research is focused on understanding the epidemiology of lagoviruses in the Australian landscape and how they interact with each other, understanding the fundamental biology of these viruses, and investigating the ways in which these viruses evolve. I am particularly interested in the role of recombination in the evolution of the caliciviruses.
See more of our research at https://research.csiro.au/rhdv/.
Previously, I studied Meleagrid herpesvirus 1 as a recombinant vaccine vector for the poultry industry.
From 8 April I will be starting as a consultant veterinary epidemiologist at AusVet in Canberra. I can be contacted at viroepivet@gmail.com.
Other Interests
Domestic rabbit owners, veterinarians, and land holders
Rabbit calicivirus testing
If you suspect a rabbit may have died of calicivirus, please request a testing kit by emailing your postal address to rabbitcalicivirus@csiro.au. Please submit a fresh or frozen (not formalin-fixed) liver sample. Sampling instructions and a submission form can be downloaded below. Once in the preservative the sample is stable at room temperature and can be posted to us in the regular post. Samples without a completed submission form will not be tested. Results should be available within 1-2 weeks, pending any technical difficulties.
Myxomatosis testing
If you suspect a rabbit may have died of myxomatosis, please request a testing kit by emailing your postal address to rabbitcalicivirus@csiro.au. Please submit a fresh or frozen (not formalin-fixed) eyelid sample. Sampling instructions and a submission form can be downloaded below. Once in the preservative the sample is stable at room temperature and can be posted to us in the regular post. Samples without a completed submission form will not be tested. As this is not part of our routine testing, results may take up to 4 weeks.
If you have further questions, please don't hesitate to contact rabbitcalicivirus@csiro.au.
Achievements and Awards
Homeward Bound 2019 participant
Homeward Bound -
John Philip Award
Frank Fenner study scholarship
Poultry CRC Travel Award
Poultry CRC -
Daniel Walker McLeod Bursary
School of Veterinary Science, The University of Queensland -
Poultry CRC topup scholarship
Poultry CRC -
Australian Postgraduate Award
The University of Queensland
Fields of Research
Current Roles
Research Scientist
RHD Accelerator project -
Team Leader
Rabbit biocontrol team
Academic Qualifications
Bachelor of Science (Veterinary Biology)
Murdoch University -
Bachelor of Veterinary Medicine and Surgery
Murdoch University -
Doctor of Philosophy - Molecular Virology
The University of Queensland -
Membership in Veterinary Epidemiology
Australian and New Zealand College of Veterinary Scientists
Epidemiology of emergent RHDV2 in the Australian landscape
Using ‘sentinel flies’ to monitor rabbit calicivirus activity
Uncovering the hare microbiome – implications for invasive lagomorph management
An organoid culture platform for improved rabbit biocontrol
How dirty are flies? [co-investigator]
Related links
We have publications by Dr Robyn Hall