Contact details:
Ruhi is a senior research scientist in the CSIRO’s Atmospheric Composition and Chemistry group, based in Melbourne, Australia and is also an affiliate researcher of the Australian Antarctic Program Partnership. After completing his PhD at the University of Wollongong, Australia, he continued his research at CSIRO centered around atmospheric aerosols, their formation processes and their interactions with clouds and climate, with a particular focus on the pristine remote marine environment. He has led the atmospheric component of several research voyages in the oceans around Australia and Antarctica, is a lead scientist of the aerosol program at the WMO-GAW station at Kennaook / Cape Grim, and is the lead scientist of the world’s first mobile GAW station aboard the Research Vessel Investigator. He is a cofounder of the PICCAASO initiative, whose aim is to unify the international efforts in understanding the links between biogeochemistry and atmospheric processes in the Antarctic and Southern Ocean region.
With onset of COVID-19 in 2020, he pivoted his research to undertake a short foray into investigating aerosol generation in clinical settings, collecting data to develop a better understanding of aerosol generating clinical procedures, and help prove the efficacy of new infectious disease PPE.
Professional Areas
Fields of Research
Current Roles
Senior Research Scientist
Academic Qualifications
Doctor of Philosophy
University of Wollongong, Australia -
European Research Course on Atmospheres
Université Joseph Fourier, France -
Bachelor of Science Advanced Honours (Chemistry and Mathematics)
University of Wollongong, Australia