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Dr Brano Kusy

Principal Research Scientist


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Dr. Brano Kusy is a principal research scientist and Group Leader of the Distributed Sensing Systems in CSIRO. His research is on the new frontiers in networked embedded systems, mobile and wearable computing, and Internet of Things. Specifically, his focus on realising the vision of intelligent sensing technology that turns physical world into intelligent environments that we can sense, automate, and interact with in real-time. He has designed and deployed energy-efficient networked sensing systems to improve productivity and safety in the industry as well as improve resilience of natural and built ecosystems. Dr. Kusy is a strong proponent of research that is deployed and validated in the real world and his key focus area is to help end users to realise the value of edge AI models in challenging, always changing, real-world environments.

Dr. Kusy is an internationally respected scientist, with strong track record on scalable energy-efficient distributed sensing systems, including algorithms for coordinated control, synchronisation, localisation, reliable wireless communications, on-device machine learning, and adaptive sampling. He has served as the General Chair of IPSN’20, is regularly involved in technical program committees of top-ranked international conferences ACM SenSys, ACM/IEEE IPSN, EWSN, IEEE MASS, IEEE ICDCS and has served on the TinyOS Core Working Group. His publications have more than 7800 citations and an h-index of 34 and his work on Flooding Time-Synchronisation Protocol won the prestigious “Test of Time Award” from ACM SensSys conference. Dr. Kusy has a master’s degree in computer science from Comenius University, Slovakia and a PhD degree in computer science from Vanderbilt University, USA. Prior to CSIRO, he held a postdoctoral appointment with Prof. Leo Guibas at Stanford University.

Professional Experiences

  • 2019-now

    Research Group Leader

  • 2011-2019

    Research Team Leader

  • 2010-now

    Project Leader

  • 2017-now

    Adjunct Associate Professor
    University of Queensland

  • 2011-2017

    Adjunct Senior Lecturer
    University of Queensland

  • 2007-2009

    Postdoctoral Scholar
    Stanford University

  • 2006-2006

    Summer Intern
    Oak Ridge National Lab (ORNL), Oak Ridge, TN, USA

  • 2002-2007

    Graduate Student Researcher
    Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN, USA

We have publications by Dr Brano Kusy