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Paul Krummel joined CSIRO in 1990. His initial work at CSIRO (with colleagues) was on the development and implementation of a numerical soil-canopy scheme into the CSIRO general circulation models (GCMs) at the time, with validation of key parameters against observations. In 1994 his focus shifted to cloud physics and boundary layer processes, in which he was heavily involved in five major aircraft measurement campaigns during the 1994-1998 period.
Since 1999, he has been a member of the CSIRO Greenhouse and Ozone Depleting Gases team, with a wide range of responsibilities. He has played, and continues to play, a significant role in science management in CSIRO as Team, Stream and Research Group Leader, and as the manager of the CSIRO Cape Grim program. He maintained very productive and innovative teams in times of rapid change, reduced resources and significant external stresses. His teams continue to provide outputs that are highly valued by Australian industries, national and state governments and international organizations (UNEP, WMO, IPCC) that deliver underpinning science for policy development. On an annual basis he provides Antarctic ozone “hole” alert information to Australian stakeholders and the public.
Paul is a Kennaook/Cape Grim Lead Scientist for the Greenhouse Gas and Ozone Depleting Substances program and was a long-term member of the international WMO/GAW Scientific Advisory Group for Greenhouse Gases. He is the Australian Principal Investigator on the international Advanced Global Atmospheric Gases Experiment (AGAGE), a member of the AGAGE steering committee and has been an AGAGE team member since 2000, with particular responsibilities for data QA/QC, inter-laboratory comparisons, and time series analysis and interpretation. His main science focus is on the analysis and research into atmospheric trace species relating to global trends, seasonal cycles, growth rates and emissions of greenhouse and ozone depleting gases. He is an author/co-author on more than 180 publications in peer-reviewed journal papers, books and international assessments.
Other Interests
Strong interest in scientific programming and environmental issues from local to global scales.
Editor of Baseline, 2001-2021.
Professional Areas
Fields of Research
Current Roles
Kennaook/Cape Grim Lead Scientist
Maintain and develop world-leading long-lived atmospheric greenhouse gas and ozone depleting substances measurement records at this key global observatory. Use the datasets to estimate regional and global sources and sinks of these gases in support of international treaties and protocols, and national policy setting and reporting. He is also the CSIRO Cape Grim program manager. -
Co-Principal Investigator on the international Advanced Global Atmospheric Gases Experiment (AGAGE); and AGAGE Steering Committee Member
Undertake world-class non-CO2 greenhouse gas measurements at Kennaook/Cape Grim as part of the global AGAGE network. Contribute to the scientific outputs of AGAGE related to emissions estimates of greenhouse gases and ozone depleting substances. -
Member of the BIPM/WMO CCQM - Gas Analysis Working Group (GAWG) Task Group on greenhouse gas scale comparisons
Document procedures for CO2 in air scale establishment, maintenance and value transfer; Develop a comparison protocol to enable the mathematical relationship between independently held sets of primary CO2 in air standards to be developed; develop a protocol for an on-going comparison over decadal time periods; Document best practices; Propose data management strategies.
Academic Qualifications
Master of Science, Mathematics & Meteorology
Monash University -
Bachelor of Applied Science, Physics & Mathematics
Queensland University of Technology
Professional Experiences
Research Group Leader - Atmospheric Composition & Chemistry
Team Leader - Synthetic Greenhouse and Ozone Depleting Gases
Team Leader - Greenhouse and Ozone Depleting Gases
Stream Leader - Greenhouse Gases and Biogeochemical Cycles
Member of the World Meteorological Organisation (WMO) Global Atmosphere Watch (GAW) Scientific Advisory Group for Greenhouse Gases
WMO - Provision of advice to the WMO Secretariat for the Atmospheric Environment Research Division on greenhouse gas observations, their quality assurance, data analysis and other relevant science matters. -
Member of the Stakeholder Committee for the international EMPIR 19ENV01 traceRadon project
Visiting Scientist - two visiting scientist appointments to the mesoscale meteorology group, 1996 and again in 1998
Achievements and Awards
Chief Executive Study Award
UNEP/WMO Recognition Letter for contributing to the award of the Nobel Peace Prize to the IPCC in 200
Contributed to all of the biannual State of the Climate reports jointly published by CSIRO and the Bureau of Meteorology
Appreciation for contribution to the 2022 Quadrennial Assessment of the Scientific Assessment Panel - appreciation letter
United Nations Environment Program -
Service to the WMO Scientific Advisory Group on Greenhouse Gases - appreciation letter for 20 years of service
Other highlights
Invited Expert/Speaker for the 3rd Asian WMO-GAW Workshop on Greenhouse Gases, Seoul, South Korea
Steering Committee for the Greenhouse Gas Measurement Technology (GGMT-2013) Conference
Advisory Committee for GGMT-2015
Advisory Committee for GGMT-2017
Keynote presenter at the AMOS-ICTMO 2019 Conference in Darwin
Scientific Advisory Committee for GGMT-2019
Co-author or contributing author on the 2006, 2010, 2014, 2018 and 2022 WMO/UNEP Scientific Assessments of Ozone Depletion
Contributing author to IPCC Sixth Assessment Report Working Group I Chapter 2
Community and Corporate Citizenship
Deputy Site Leader for the CSIRO Aspendale site
Emergency Floor Warden
STEM Professionals in Schools, Aspendale Primary School
Member of the Aspendale HSE committee
Site Office and Laboratory Allocation Committee (Chair from 2016)
O&A CAPEX committee
Member of the Aspendale COVID Situation Management Team
Equal Employment Opportunity Officer, CSIRO
Aspendale Social Club Committee (President, 2001)
Related links
- Cape Grim greenhouse gas data
- Bureau of Meteorology Cape Grim page
- International AGAGE program
- World greenhouse gas levels made unprecedented leap in 2016
- After 30 years of the Montreal Protocol, the ozone layer is gradually healing
- Southern hemisphere joins north in breaching carbon dioxide milestone
- Forty years of measuring the world’s cleanest air reveals human fingerprints on the atmosphere
- Global stocktake shows the 43 greenhouse gases driving global warming
- Emissions of methane – a greenhouse gas far more potent than carbon dioxide – are rising dangerously
- Carbon dioxide levels over Australia rose even after COVID-19 forced global emissions down. Here’s why
We have publications by Mr Paul Krummel