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Ryan Lagerstrom is a member of CSIRO's Quantitative Imaging Team within Data61. After graduating from the University of Newcastle in 1996 with a Degree in Mathematics, his Honours year in Statistics introduced him to the field of Image Analysis via a project analysing dental samples. Ryan joined CSIRO as an Image Analyst / Statistician in 1998 where he has worked on various application and research projects. Some of these include:
* automated road inspection with the RMS (RoadCrack)
* quantification of neuronal cells (HCA-Vision)
* classification of reflectance spectra in images (The Spectral Assistant)
* objective opal assessment (The Gemmological Digital Analyser)
* cellular characterisation of blood samples (STEMVision)
* on-the-go spectral analysis of grapes (DigiVit)
* onboard image processing for micro-satellites (CyanoSat)

Ryan's publications can be viewed on Google Scholar

Academic Qualifications

  • 1997

    BMath Honours
    University of Newcastle

Achievements and Awards

  • 2019-2023

    Non cash reward recognising sustained commitment to the CSIROSat-1 project

  • 2019-2020

    Performance reward recognising impact of neurite outgrowth work in the area of drug discovery

  • 2012-2013

    CMIS Research Acheivement Award, Automated Stem Cell Colony Classification

  • 2010-2011

    Journal of Chemometrics Kowalski Prize, Best Application Paper for M. Berman, A. Phatak, R. Lagerstrom, and B.R. Wood. ICE: A new method for the multivariate curve resolution of hyperspectral images. Journal of Chemometrics, 23(2):101--116, February 2009.

  • 2009-2010

    Member of the Gemmological Digital Analyser development team, awarded a 2009 Regional Engineering Excellence award by Engineers Australia and a CMIS Research Achievement Award.

  • 1998-1999

    Member of the RoadCrack develoment team which received an Australian Road Research Board Award, An Institute of Engineers Award and the CSIRO medal.