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Dr Andrew Moore

Honorary Fellow

Contact details:

GPO BOX 1700


As a Post Retirement Fellow, Dr Andrew Moore is maintaining his longstanding interest in improving decision-making in the land sector in the face of present and future uncertainties. He continues to pursue:
* application of information technologies (particularly agricultural simulation models) to decision-making
* understanding the interactions between provisioning services and other ecosystem services in farming lands
* improving the understanding and management of integrated crop-livestock systems

Dr Moore is based at Canberra, Australia. He started his scientific career as an ecologist, studying plant-animal interactions in the South Australian arid zone and then building and analysing simple models of vegetation dynamics at the ANU. He joined CSIRO in 1989, at which time his focus shifted from natural to agricultural ecosystems.

Since his retirement (or semi-retirement), Dr Moore has been exploring the idea that a continental-scale digital twin of Australian agricultural landscapes can be of use in policy making and monitoring.

Digiscape: deep agtech at speed

From 2016 to June 2022, Dr Moore was the leader of CSIRO's Digiscape Future Science Platform. He led researchers, engineers and software specialists across Australia who produced a series of next-generation decision tools for the land sector.

Over 2019-2022 Digiscape launched multiple products, including:
* the WaterWise irrigation scheduling technology
* the Graincast grain yield and area forecasting system
* the 1622-WQ online tool for water quality monitoring in the Great Barrier Reef hinterland
* LOOC-C, the Landscape Options and Opportunities for Carbon abatement Calculator
* LOOC-B, the Landscape Options and Opportunities Calculator for Biodiversity
* the ePaddocks map of paddock boundaries across the Australian cropping zone

While the Future Science Platform has concluded, CSIRO continues to drive the digitalization of agriculture and land management.

Resilience Coordinator

Between July 2021 and June 2023, Dr Moore was CSIRO's Resilience Coordinator. CSIRO has a significant portfollio of R&D directed to increasing Australia's resilience. That portfolio addresses both shorter-term, acute hazards such as bushfires and also longer-term hazards posed by changing climate and socioeconomic trends.

We are delivering solutions for climate change adaptation and for disaster risk reduction - across the cycle of preparation, preparedness, response and recovery. Some major recent initiatives in which CSIRO is partnering are the Australian Climate Service, the Climate Systems and Resilient Landscapes hubs of the National Environmental Science Program and the Drought Resilience Mission. =

Resilience is a complex policy, social, economic & technical space. As Coordinator Dr Moore was responsible for ensuring that engagement with stakeholders works well across the Organization; that planning of the resilience R&D is well coordinated within CSIRO; and that CSIRO contributes new ideas & solutions for enhancing Austalia's resilience over the medium and longer term.

Selected recent publications

  • Bell LW, Moore AD, Thomas DT (2021) Mixed crop-livestock farms are more risk efficient in the face of price- and climate-induced variability. Agricultural Systems 189, 103050
  • McGrath SR, Behrendt R, Friend MA, Moore AD (2021) Utilising dual-purpose crops effectively to increase profit and manage risk in meat production systems. Animal Production Science 61, 1049-1061
  • Sándor R, Ehrhardt F, Grace PR, Recous S, Smith P, Snow VO, Soussana JF, Basso B, Bhatia A, Brilli L, Doltra J, Dorich CD, Doro L, Fitton N, Grant B, Harrison MT, Kirschbaum MUF, Klumpp K, Laville P, Léonard J, Martin R, Massad RS, Moore AD, Myrgiotis M, Pattey E, Zhang Q, Rolinski S, Sharp J, Skiba U, Smith WN, Wu LH, Bellocchi G (2020) Ensemble modelling of carbon fluxes in grasslands and croplands. Field Crops Research 252, 107791
  • Ma LW, Derner JD, Harmel RD, Tatarko J, Moore AD, Rotz CA, Augustine DJ, Boone RB, Coughenour MB, Beukes PC, van Wijk MT, Bellocchi G, Cullen BR, Wilmer H (in press) Application of grazing land models in ecosystem management: current status and next frontiers. Advances in Agronomy 158 173-310
  • Robertson MJ, Moore AD, Barry SC, Lamb DW, Henry DA, Brown JN, Darnell R, Gaire R, Grundy MJ, George AW, Donohue RJ (2019) Digital agriculture. In ‘Australian agriculture in 2020: from conservation to automation.’ (Eds J Pratley, JA Kirkegaard) pp. 389-403. (Agronomy Australia and Charles Sturt University: Wagga Wagga)
  • Bell LW, Moore AD, Thomas DT (2018) Integrating diverse forage sources reduces feed gaps on mixed crop-livestock farms across Australia. Animal 12, 1967-1980
  • Janssen S, Porter CH, Moore AD, Athanasiadis IN, Foster I, Jones JW, Antle JM (2017) Towards a new generation of agricultural system models and knowledge products: building an open web-based approach to agricultural data, system modeling, and decision support. Agricultural Systems 155, 200-212
  • Bell LW, Moore AD, Kirkegaard JA (2014) Evolution in crop-livestock integration systems that improve farm productivity and environmental performance in Australia. European Journal of Agronomy 57, 10-20
  • Holzworth DP, Huth NI, deVoil PG, Zurcher EJ, Herrmann NI, McLean G, Chenu K, van Oosterom E, Snow VO, Murphy C, Moore AD, Brown HE et al. (2014) APSIM - evolution towards a new generation of agricultural systems simulation. Environmental Modelling and Software 62, 327-350
  • Kirkegaard JA, Hunt JR, Lilley JM, Moore AD, Verburg K, Robertson MJ, Oliver YM, McBeath TM, Whitbread AM (2014) Improving water productivity in the Australian Grains industry – a nationally coordinated approach. Crop and Pasture Science 65, 583-601
  • Bradshaw CJA, Bowman DMJS, Bond NR, Murphy BP, Moore AD, Fordham DA, Thackway R, Lawes MJ, McCallum H, Gregory SD, Dalal RC, Boer MM, et al. (2013) Brave new green world - the costs and benefits of a carbon economy for the conservation of Australian biodiversity. Biological Conservation 161, 71-90
  • Moore AD, Ghahramani A (2013) Climate change and broadacre livestock production across southern Australia. 1. Impacts of climate change on pasture and livestock productivity, and on sustainable levels of profitability. Global Change Biology 19, 1440-1455

Academic Qualifications

  • 1984

    B.Sc. (Hons), University of Adelaide

  • 1989

    Ph.D., Australian National University

Community and Corporate Citizenship

  • 2012-2020

    Agriculture & Food Vacation Scholarships Committee