I am a group leader who directs microanalysis and x-ray diffraction research in the Microbeam and XRD Laboratories which are the key characterisation facilities for Minerals and Mineral Processing problems. I have a strong interest in the application of high resolution microanalysis, mapping in the electron microprobe to solve industrial problems related to the minerals industry.
Most recently I have been at the forefront of the development of hyperspectral soft x-ray emission spectrometry and analysis and combining this technique with cathodoluminescence together with hyperspectral EDX collection and analysis. With the introduction of this combined technique he has lead the development of new detector systems and analysis procedures so that the both SXES and cathodoluminescence signals can be quickly analysed, the emitting x-rays and ions identified and the emission quantified. To make full use of these techniques he has recently worked on the integration of LN cold stage technology into the EPMA to reduce beam damage.
Codeveloper of xCLent which is a hardware software system to collect and analyse hyperspectral cathodoluminescence emission from an electron probe microanalyser (EPMA). Codeveloper of Soft X-ray Emission Spectroscopy software which enables bonding as well as chemical information to be extracted from x-ray images acquired on either an SEM or EPMA.
Other Interests
I am a past president of the Australian Microbeam Analysis Society (AMAS) and have been convenor of three AMAS biennial symposia, will organise the next AMAS in 2019 in Melbourne and is co-chair of the next International Union of Microbeam Analysis Societies (IUMAS7) meeting to be held in Banff, Canada in 2023.