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Dr Helen Murphy is an ecologist who joined CSIRO in May 2005 as a Weeds Cooperative Research Centre (CRC) Postdoctoral Fellow after completing her doctoral research in Canada. She currently leads the Environmental Management Group in the Living Landscapes Program.

Helen's current research spans original empirical research, scientific synthesis and science leadership centred on the understanding and management of threats to Australian ecosystems and biodiversity. She collaborates and publishes widely across domains spanning natural resource management, biosecurity and health, sustainable development and climate change. She maintains a strong interest in tropical forest dynamics and in understanding the drivers of change in structure and function of these ecosystems.

Helen leads science underpinning ecological threat management, understanding threats to Australian biodiversity and the effectiveness of management interventions. Helen was one of 18 independent experts invited to author the 2016 Australian State of the Environment report and is Lead Author on the Biodiversity Theme for the 2021 report.

Academic Qualifications

  • 1996

    Bachelor of Applied Science (Hons Class 1)
    James Cook University

  • 2001

    Master of Legal Studies (Environmental Law)
    Australian National University

  • 2005

    PhD (Biology)
    University of Windsor, Canada

Professional Experiences

  • 1996-1997

    Research Assistant
    Australian National University

  • 1997-2000

    Environmental Scientist
    Sinclair Knight Merz, Australia

  • 2001-2005

    Tutor, Lab Instructor
    University of Windsor, Canada

  • 2005-2007

    Post-Doctoral Fellow
    CSIRO, Atherton

  • 2007-Current

    Research Scientist
    CSIRO, Atherton