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Ms Larelle McMillan

Research Director


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Larelle’s substantive role in Agriculture & Food is Group Lead - Food Systems & Global Change, Sustainability program. Larelle is passionate about delivering impact from research in food system transitions - building an innovation systems evidence-base to more sustainable, equitable and healthier food systems. She has led and been part of significant projects in the area of complex monitoring, evaluation and learning (MEL) that has pushed boundaries and enabled significant growth in this science direction for CSIRO, building a pipeline of investment across programs in A&F. As a Research Impact Broker – she has particular agency in building relationships and partnerships for research impact. Her mix of research leadership, project management, partnership brokering, writing and communication skills are in growing demand across the business unit. This reflects Ag & Food’s strategic and cultural change agendas around delivering science excellence and impact for society. Larelle’s demonstrated ability to deliver value and impact across externally focused projects and internal organisational development and change agendas is complemented by her growing social science research skills.

Academic Qualifications

  • 2017

    Masters in rural development
    University of Queensland

  • 2002

    Bachelor of Environmental Science
    University of the Sunshine Coast

  • 1995

    Bachelor of Arts - visual arts
    Queensland University of Technology

We have publications by Ms Larelle McMillan

    Published data & software

    We have published items by Ms Larelle McMillan