Dr Stacy Mader
Pronouns: he,him,his
Senior Experimental Scientist
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Originally from Wyndham in the East Kimberley, Stacy was one of just 30 Aboriginal students at UWA in Perth when starting his Bachelor of Science in 1989.
Stacy graduated from UWA with a Bachelor of Science (Physics Hons) in 1993. After attending the World Indigenous People’s Conference on Education at Wollongong in 1993, Stacy decided to move to the University of Wollongong, where he completed a Master of Science (Hons) and PhD in star formation studies of outflows from low-mass stars.
In 1999, Stacy accepted a position at the Parkes Observatory in New South Wales and is now Senior Experimental Scientist within CSIRO’s Space and Astronomy Business Unit. Over the last 25 years, Stacy has supported both Australian and international astronomers who use telescopes across Space and Astronomy, including Murriyang, the CSIRO Parkes 64m Radio Telescope. Stacy has supported several NASA spacecraft missions to Mars and the outer reaches of our Solar System.
Stacy has a keen interest in Reconciliation and Indigenous Engagement, initiating the consultative process with local Wiradjuri Elders and Traditional Owners to obtain dual names for telescopes at Parkes Observatory in the Wiradjuri language. The story can be found here:
Stacy uses his full stack programming skills to develop novel interfaces for observers using Murriyang and other telescopes across Space and Astronomy.
Professional Areas
Fields of Research
- Galactic Astronomy (020104)
- Database Management (080604)
- Web Technologies (excl. Web Search) (080505)
- Markup Languages (080404)
- Operating Systems (080307)
- Meteorology (040107)
- Galactic Astronomy (020104)
- Atomic and Molecular Physics (020201)
- Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Cultural Studies (200201)
- Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Information and Knowledge Systems (080601)
- Database Management (080604)
Current Roles
Senior Experimental Scientist
Observing support, web applications
Academic Qualifications
University of Wollongong -
Honours Masters in Science
University of Wollongong -
BSc (Hons)
University Western Australia
Achievements and Awards
Featured on Diverse Universe Wall at Lowell Observatory's Visitor's Discovery Wall.
Lowell Observatory, Flagstaff Arizona -
NASA Group Achievement Award: “Voyager 2 Parkes Implementation Team”, as part of the Voyager 2 Heliopause transition. See https://www.csiro.au/en/news/all/news/2018/december/were-all-ears-as-voyager-2-goes-interstellar .
CSIRO Chairman’s Medal: Australian Square Kilometre Array Pathfinder (ASKAP) team won the CSIRO Chairman’s Medal for developing the Phase Array Feeds (PAF) which are revolutionising astronomy by developing a spectacular new capabilities for simultaneous observing wide areas of sky. See http://www.atnf.csiro.au/projects/askap/news_project_28102015.html .
NASA Group Achievement Award: "The DSN-Parkes MSL EDL Support Team” as part of the Curiosity rover landing on Mars. See https://csiropedia.csiro.au/australia-is-all-ears-for-mars-landing/ .
NASA Group Achievement Award: The Parkes Radio Telescope X-band Upgrade Task Team as part of tracking Voyager 2, Mars Odyssey, and Mars Global Surveyor. See https://www.atnf.csiro.au/news/press/nasa_parkes_upgrade.html .
Other highlights
Implementation of Wiradjuri naming protocols at Parkes Observatory.
Wiradjuri naming of telescopes at Parkes Observatory. See https://www.csiro.au/en/news/all/articles/2020/november/parkes-telescope-indigenous-name
Community and Corporate Citizenship
Decadal Plan for Australian Astronomy 2026-2035: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Astronomy Working Group 1.5
Space and Astronomy Indigenous Engagement and Implementation Committee.
Deadly in Generation STEM Program.
Parkes Observatory Visitor's Centre Steering Committee.
Indigenous Advisory Board, ARC Centre of Excellence for All Sky Astrophysics in 3 Dimensions (ASTRO 3D)
Space and Astronomy Diversity and Inclusion Committee.
Co-chair, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Forum.
Parkes Observatory deputy and main delegate for the CSIRO Staff Association.
We have publications by Dr Stacy Mader