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Ms Katie Ricketts

Principal Research Scientist


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Katie Ricketts is an applied economist interested in food systems, sustainable agricultural transformation and the enactment of sustainability standards in the agriculture and food sector. At CSIRO, Katie is involved in projects that look at the power and pitfalls of sustainable finance, the enactment of sustainability standards on Australian trade and export, and the evolution of Australian food supply chains. Her areas of expertise include global value chain analysis, retail procurement standards, supply network impacts, and agri-firm decision-making.

Katie applies concepts, tools and methods from organisational behaviour and behavioural economics and she has collaborated with multilateral and non-governmental agencies like Oxfam, UN-FAO and the World Bank. Prior to working at CSIRO, Katie was on the research staff of the CGIAR, Cornell University and Colorado State University. Katie has also done evaluation and metrics development work for national and local government agencies in the United States, focusing on climate change and co-benefit development, inequality and social progress measures and alternative economic indicators.

Increasingly Katie is applying her skills and expertise at the nexus of climate change, human migration, and food security.

Katie is originally from California and holds undergraduate and graduate degrees in International Development and Applied Economics and Management from the University of California Los Angeles (UCLA) and Cornell University, respectively.

Academic Qualifications

  • 2012

    M.S., Applied Economics
    Cornell University

  • 2006

    B.A., International Development Studies
    University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA)

Current Roles

  • Co-Lead
    Valuing Sustainability FSP - Local Provanance and Social Sustainability Metrics Project

We have publications by Ms Katie Ricketts