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Dr Cara Stitzlein

Senior Research Scientist


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Dr Cara Stitzlein is a Senior Research Scientist within the CSIRO’s Data61 Humans & Machines group. Cara holds a PhD in cognitive engineering from the University of Queensland (2014) where she was awarded an IPRS scholarship and supported an ARC grant looking at the role of new technologies and their impact on healthcare processes and workflows.

After completing an internship with the CSIRO ICT Centre (2005), Cara re-joined the science agency as part of a postdoc cohort supporting the Digiscape Future Science Platform. Bringing a strong human centred design capability to this portfolio of science commercialisation for the land sector, she helped bring user friendly digital tools to market including LOOC-C (carbon farming discovery tool) and LOOC-B (rapid biodiversity assessment tool). Through this, Cara has developed a passion for science translation helping to influence a diverse set of stakeholders seeking to make more sustainable land management decisions.

In 2020, Cara’s became an Australian permanent resident under the Global Talent Independent (GTI) programme. Continuing to build a portfolio around future focused research, her interests and publications span design science, responsible innovation, and interdisciplinary collaborations. Within CSIRO, Cara advocates for strong cross-BU partnerships while also dedicating time to moderating externally facing events, including the Brisbane-based innovation festival Something Digital.

Cara’s current research interests focus on supporting organisations undergoing sustainability transitions that require significant science translation, responsible innovation and design-led facilitation practices.

Achievements and Awards

  • 2009-2012

    International Postgraduate Research Scholarship
    The University of Queensland

Current Roles

  • Research Scientist, Data 61
    CSIRO, Data61, Humans & Machines Group

  • Postdoctoral Fellow, Data 61
    Supports the Digiscape Future Science Platform with research in Human Factors and User Experience

Academic Qualifications

  • 2014

    Doctorate of Philosophy
    The University of Queensland

  • 2005

    Masters, Human Factors Psychology
    George Mason University (Virginia, USA)

Professional Experiences

  • 2015-2017

    Product Designer
    Monsanto Corporation

  • 2009-2012

    Postgraduate Researcher, School of Psychology
    The University of Queensland

  • 2008-2008

    Usability Engineer
    Microsoft Corporation

  • 2005-2007

    Research Scientist

We have publications by Dr Cara Stitzlein