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Charlotte is an astrophysicist and radio astronomer with over 10 years' experience in this field.

She is currently working for the SKAO, an intergovernmental organisation whos mission is to construct and operate a state-of-the-art radio telescope that will revolutionise our understanding of the Universe, and based at the Australian Science Operations Centre (SOC) in Perth.

Her research is focussed on using SKA precursor/pathfinder radio telescopes to observe pulsars (rapidly-rotating neutron stars) to investigate astrophysical magnetic fields. This ranges from the 3-D structure of the magnetic field of our Galaxy to pulsar magnetospheres.

Most recently as a postdoctoral researcher in CSIRO Space and Astronomy, she led projects using the Parkes and LOFAR radio telescopes to learn more about magnetic fields in our Galaxy and discover new pulsars.

Charlotte completed her Masters degree in Physics and Astronomy at Durham University, U.K., and PhD at MPIfR, Germany. She has since held post-doctoral research fellow positions at ASTRON, The Netherlands; ICRAR--Curtin node, Australia; and CSIRO Space and Astronomy, Australia.

Academic Qualifications

  • 2015

    Dr. rer. nat. (magna cum laude)
    Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universitaet Bonn, Germany

  • 2010

    MPhys Physics and Astronomy (First-class Honours)
    University of Durham, U.K.