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Mr Andrew Taylor

Senior Experimental Scientist - Hydrogeology

Contact details:

PO BOX 200


Andrew Taylor is a senior hydrogeologist in the Groundwater Systems team and Groundwater Management group of CSIRO’s Environment business unit.

His primary research activities include integrating the analysis and interpretation of geological, geophysical, hydraulic, hydrogeochemical and environmental tracer data for characterising and understanding groundwater systems.

Andrew has a background in soil and groundwater hydrology with over 16 years of experience in characterising hydrogeological systems across Australia. His research interests include the integration of geology, geophysics, vadose zone and saturated zone hydrology, environmental tracers and hydrogeochemistry for characterising the nature and scale of groundwater flow systems, and quantifying groundwater flow processes (recharge, throughflow and discharge). He leads, multi-discipline groundwater resource assessments at a variety of scales involving drilling programs, geophysical surveys, hydrological monitoring and groundwater and surface water sampling programs, that support desktop and modelling analyses. His teams use new data from field investigations to constrain the inputs and boundary conditions for developing new, or refining existing, geological, water balance and risk assessment models. His current projects focus on characterising groundwater systems for future economic development or water security.

Currently, Andrew is leading the groundwater hydrology components of the: (i) the Norfolk Island Water Resource Assessment (NIWRA); (ii) Roper River Water Resource Assessment (RoWRA); (iii) Victoria River Water Resource Assessment (ViWRA); (iv) Southern Gulf Water Resource Assessment (SoGWRA) and is leading the Brackish groundwater characterisation project across Western Australia (WA).

Andrew conducts his research in conjunction with an extensive network of colleagues and collaborators and holds enduring relationships with many important stakeholders including clients, academics, consultants, water regulators and utilities, private landholders and community members.

Andrew is an author of >100 publications including journal papers, conference papers and client/technical reports with >400 citations (Google Scholar, h-index 11).

Current Roles

  • Groundwater hydrology activity leader - Roper River Water Resource Assessment
    Senior Hydrogeologist

  • Groundwater hydrology activity leader - Norfolk Island Water Resource Assessment
    Senior Hydrogeologist

  • Co-project leader – Brackish groundwater charactersiation in Australia
    Senior Hydrogeologist

Academic Qualifications

  • 2002

    Bachelor of Environmental Science
    Flinders University – South Australia