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Current Roles

  • Experimental Scientist
    As a member of CSIRO Oceans and Atmosphere’s Atmospheric Composition and Chemistry Group I provide analytical support to the team by the chemical analysis of aerosol, rainwater and gas samples collected at Kennaook / Cape Grim, on board the RV Investigator and in urban locations. My role also entails in field measurement programs and see my management of the chemical analysis laboratory at Aspendale. The Atmospheric Composition and Chemistry Group (ACC) contributes observation and modelling of atmospheric composition to the business of the Climate Science Centre within CSIRO Environment.

  • Chair - Victorian Indigenous Engagement Committee
    The Victorian Indigenous Engagement Committee (VIEC) is a leading cross business unit collaboration that strives to build relationships and increase strategic partnerships with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. Our committee enables Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples to contribute to and benefit from education, science, innovation and research. Our principles of collaboration are based around relationships, respect and opportunities.

  • Environment Laboratories - Local Site Coordinator (Victoria)
    Coordinate the flow of information: - down from the LOC -up from Environment staff on Site -across the staff on Site. Review compliance, procurement, risk identification and training requirements

Academic Qualifications

  • 2003

    Bachelor of Science (Biomedical Science)
    Deakin University

Achievements and Awards

  • 2018-2019

    Ruby Payne Scott Award

Community and Corporate Citizenship

  • 2015-Current

    Indigenous Engagement Implementation Committee

  • 2013-Current

    Combined Clayton (Victoria) Indigenous Engagement Committee