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Dr Gupta Vadakattu

Senior Principal Research Scientist


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Dr. Gupta Vadakattu investigates on aspects of genetic diversity, functional capability and resilience of soil biota in agricultural soils and functional microbial diversity of aquifer systems, specifically:
• Functional microbiomes for resilient production systems and ecosystem health
• Genetic, functional and environmental regulators of biological disease suppression in soils
• Host-Microbiome interactions: Phenotypic and functional diversity of microbiota in the rhizosphere
• Microbial and edaphic factors regulating free-living nitrogen fixation in annual and perennial crops
• Turnover to carbon, nutrients and biological health of soils

Dr Gupta Vadakattu joined CSIRO Plant Industry in Canberra in 1989 following his PhD and postdoctoral studies at University of Saskatchewan in Canada. In Adelaide, he worked with the CRC for Soil and Land Management (1993-98) on microbial-protozoan interactions and their effects on microbial diversity and biological functions.
Dr Vadakattu's research showed the significance of microbial diversity and maintaining resilient biological functions including N supply and disease suppression in the rainfed and irrigated cropping systems for sustainable production and environmental health. His research was the first to elucidate the exposure pathways for Bt-proteins with soil biota and contributed scientific evidence to the debate on benefits and risks from GM plants in Australian agricultural systems.

Dr. Gupta Vadakattu received 2015 J.A. Prescott Medal from Australian Society of Soil Science Inc. He holds full Academic status as Assoc Professor in the Faculty of Health Sciences, Flinders University, Adelaide.

Dr Vadakattu has developed scoping documents identifying soil biology research priorities for Grains Research Development Corporation and Meat and Livestock Australia and delivered over 100 talks to industry audience. He is a Fellow of Australian Society of Microbiology.

Other Interests

• Impact of agrochemicals and genetically modified plants on the functional diversity of microorganisms and soil biological health
• Protozoan diversity, ecology and function in soil and water ecosystems
• Microbial ecology of managed subsurface aquifer waters

Academic Qualifications

  • 1989

    University of Saskatchewan

Achievements and Awards

  • -2015

    J.A. Prescott Medal
    Soil Science Australia

We have publications by Dr Gupta Vadakattu