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I am a research scientist with the ecosystems modelling team at the CSIRO Oceans and Atmosphere, in Hobart, Australia. My background is in economics and environmental studies. I have a particular interest in applying behavioral economics to help address fisheries and natural resource management problems. In my past research I have focused on understanding social and economic decision making by marine resource users (whether they are commercial fishers, recreational fishers, the aquaculture industry, or tourists) and comprehending their interactions with the biophysical marine environment. I use empirical approaches (such as interviews and different survey techniques) but I also use different modelling tools and approaches (e.g. Bayesian and network analysis). Combining real data and models to represent resource user behavior and interactions at the appropriate level of complexity is a powerful tool to help plan appropriate management interventions. Overall, I hope to improve the management of important marine systems and ensure their long term viability.
Professional Areas
Fields of Research
Current Roles
Adjunct Professor
Centre for Marine Socioecology -
Independent Science Panel member
Sustainable Seas (New Zealand) -
Scientific Advisor
Integrated Marine Biosphere Research (IMBeR) -
Research Advisory Board
Climate change and European aquatic RESources (CERES)
Academic Qualifications
Master Environmental studies
University of Tasmania -
PhD Economics
University of Tasmania
Professional Experiences
Resource Economist
State Government Department of Primary Industry, Water & Environment -
Research Officer
CSIRO Forestry and Forestry Products -
Contracting services and consulting
Various State and Commonwealth departments -
Project Manager – Socio and Economic Information
Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority
We have publications by Dr Ingrid van Putten