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Dr Mat Vanderklift

Senior Principal Research Scientist


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Mat Vanderklift is a marine ecologist whose research primarily focuses on coastal ecosystems. His research has encompassed tropical and temperate ecosystems in Australia, Indonesia, Sri Lanka, the USA, France and around the the Indian Ocean. His research focusses on finding nature-based solutions to problems including climate change, food security and coastal hazards. He works with managers to identify areas where his science can be useful, and his work encompasses science for policy and finance. He is director of the IORA Indian Ocean Blue Carbon Hub, and leads research projects in the Indian Ocean and Australia that seek to provide the science to support development of policies for "blue carbon".

His other current research foci are developing a sustainable "blue economy" for Australia and the Indian Ocean, the ecology of coral reefs, seagrasses and seaweeds and the ecology of turtles.

Current Roles

  • Director
    IORA Indian Ocean Blue Carbon hub

Academic Qualifications

  • 2002
