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Dr Robert Woodcock

Senior Principal Research Consultant


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Dr Robert Woodcock is a Research Scientist and Consultant in Earth Data and Analytics infrastructures with CSIRO Minerals.

Data and its conversion to useful, decision supporting information is a universal need for business, community, and Government across a broad range of areas from improving business operations through application in decision support at a national and international levels in earth resources, urban and environmental management. As our ability to gather data has grown exponentially, so has our need to manage the flow of information within and between organisations and to make it useful. Dr Woodcock and his teams have address the issues of information flow across organisational boundaries and have developed innovative information systems adopted into national infrastructure and achieved lasting large scale economic impact on multiple organisations.

Dr Woodcock's portfolio of activities involves national spatial data infrastructure and earth observation data analysis and integration platforms. His team’s portfolio has seen national application in Australian Industry and Government including the AuScope national geoscience information infrastructure. Internationally, he was the co-chair of the Committee on Earth Observation Satellites (CEOS) Future Data Access and Analysis Architectures ad-hoc team developing strategy for international earth observation information exchange and analysis platforms and is currently the Vice Chair for the CEOS Working Group on Information Systems and Services. Robert has worked for almost two decades in the field of visualisation, spatial information systems and analytics and its application to Earth Science with a focus on ensuring research innovation leads to business innovation.

Other Interests

Music composition for video and games

Current Roles

  • Director
    Auscope Grid

  • Project Leader
    Earth Data and Analytics, CSIRO Centre for Earth Observation

  • Vice Chair
    CEOS Working Group on Information Systems and Services

  • Director
    Auscope National Virtual Core Library

Academic Qualifications

  • 2010

    Certificate in Executive Management and Development
    Australian Graduate School of Management

  • 1996

    Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
    The University of Western Australia

  • 1991

    Bachelor of Engineering (B.Eng.)
    The University of Western Australia

Professional Experiences

  • 2012

    Senior Principal Research Consultant

  • 2009-2011

    Research Scientist/Manager

  • 2007-2008

    Research Group Leader - Computational Geoscience

  • 2006-2007

    Executive Manager, e-Science (Acting)

  • 2002-2007

    Project Manager/Principal Software Engineer

  • 2001-2002

    Chief Technical Officer
    Supersoftware International Pty Ltd

  • 1996-2001

    Research and Development Manager
    Fractal Graphics Pty Ltd

  • 1995-1998

    The University of Western Australia

Achievements and Awards

  • 2008-

    Divisional Award - Teamwork

  • 2008-

    Divisional Award - Lookout

  • 2004-

    Divisional Award - Project Management

  • 1995-

    Student Perception of Teaching Award
    The University of Western Australia

  • 1994-

    William Lambden Owen Postgraduate Scholarship in Engineering
    University of Western Australia

Other highlights

  • 2007-2019

    AuScope Grid - National Geoscience Information Network

  • 1996-2001

    FracSIS - Commercial 3D Spatial Information and Visualisation System


We have publications by Dr Robert Woodcock