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Dr White leads CSIRO's Energy Efficiency Research. He also leads the “Data Clearing House” Activity in the Affordable Heating and Cooling Innovation Hub (i-Hub). He is the Operating Agent for the International Energy Agency EBC Annex 81 “Data-Driven Smart Buildings”.
Dr White has over 25 years of experience in energy end use efficiency and electricity industry demand side management. He has extensive experience in the application of research to support both government energy efficiency policy instruments and technology commercialization. He oversees the NatHERS benchmark software (referenced in the National Construction Code) and key national energy databases (NEAR, Australian Housing Database).
He has played a leadership role in the start-up of a number of companies, and the design of award winning innovative airconditioning systems. He has published extensively in the field and is in demand as an expert advisor to organisations such as ARENA, the International Energy Agency and Mission Innovation.
Amongst other awards, he is a member of the Australian Refrigeration and Building Services (ARBS) "Hall of Fame" and recipient of the AIRAH James Harrison award for achievement in the Australian refrigeration and air conditioning industry.