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Ana is a marine ecologist that uses experimentation and quantitative tools to assess the impacts of human activities on biodiversity and the delivery of ecosystem services in the ocean. She also studies how nature-based solutions can be used to ameliorate those impacts, including oyster reef, saltmarsh and seagrass restoration, zoo-remediation strategies and greening-grey infrastructure. Ana's research covers a range of scales, from the quantification of human activities and their impacts at global scales, to decadal trends in whole-estuary condition, and studies at habitat scales.

Academic Qualifications

  • 2014

    University of Sydney

  • 2008

    Licenciatura (Bachelor and Masters equivalent)
    Universidad de Buenos Aires

Professional Experiences

  • 2018-2022

    Senior Postdoctoral Researcher
    University of Sydney

  • 2016-2018

    Postdoctoral Researcher
    University of New South Wales

We have publications by Dr Ana Bugnot