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Lesley is a research based food safety microbiologist and Team Leader for the Applied Microbiology team as part of the Microbial Food Systems Group in the Food Program. Her research has largely been on foodborne pathogens such as E. coli O157, Listeria, Salmonella and Campylobacter. Her research projects have included the ecology of these organisms in production systems throughout the supply chain from on-farm to retail, including source tracking, transcriptomics to understand stress, survival through processing and the changing microbiome from farm to fork. Supply chains and production processes include red meat (beef, sheep, goat) from on farm through slaughter, chicken through the processing chain, and spinach production from farm to retail ready.
She has conducted a number of national benchmarking projects for the chicken industry and developed a strong understanding of the pressures the industry faces.
Lesley works with industry clients to
- investigate product microbial contamination issues
- solve food safety and quality problems
- understand shelf life issues and extension.
Professional Areas
Current Roles
Project Leader
Engage with clients external and internal to design and conduct research that answers the question being asked in the areas of shelf life, challenge testing, contamination issues, through chain understanding, risk assessment and microbiome manipulation. Utilise commodity and microbial knowledge to engage in broader project areas such as sustainability, continuous assurance and climate change. -
Team Leader
Develop a positive team working environment characterised by science excellence, creativity, innovation and flexibility
Academic Qualifications
The University of Queensland -
B App Sc Microbiology/Biochemistry
Community and Corporate Citizenship
Designated shipper of class 6.2 dangerous goods
Fire Warden
AQIS Manager
We have publications by Dr Lesley Duffy