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Dr Ross Darnell is a Research Scientist with the CSIRO's Data61 Business Unit focusing on survey and experimental design and statistical modelling, prediction and testing of environmental and agricultural systems.

Ross' background is in statistical science and has been working in the field for over 40 years. His interests include: spatio-temporal modelling, monitoring and experimental design, risk modelling and statistical machine learning.
His current work include:
* Designing and developing an app to allow farmers to perform their own on-farm experiments.
* Developing indicators to benchmark drought status for the Australian dryland and irrigated cropping sectors.
* Modelling the risk of mycotoxins in maize crops across various environments.
* Modelling the risk of pest mortality in refrigerated containers
* Estimating the precision from models

Other Interests

On-farm experimentation

Academic Qualifications

  • 2003
