Ms Melina Gillespie
Pronouns: she,her,hers
Communication and Stakeholder Engagement Manager
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Melina is the Communication and Stakeholder Engagement Manager for CSIRO's Gas Industry Social and Environmental Research Alliance (GISERA) within the Energy Business Unit. She has a background in science, research and communication.
Melina has twenty years’ experience in the project management of research programs in plant ecology, specifically in the revegetation of ecosystems post-mining. She has also undertaken research in the area of science communication.
Now a practising science communicator, she has expertise in communicating research outcomes to a wide range of target audiences on topics across agriculture, plant ecology, climate, energy and onshore gas, synthetic biology, and responsible innovation in science and technology.
Melina is passionate about encouraging the use of scientific research to inform decision making, and her focus is in the effective communication of research outcomes to, and engagement with, industry, government, academia and publics.
Current Roles
Communication and Stakeholder Engagement Manager, GISERA, CSIRO
Increasing the impact of CSIRO's GISERA research outcomes through effective engagement with scientists, communities in areas affected by onshore gas activities, Commonwealth and state/territory governments, and the onshore gas industry.
Academic Qualifications
Master of Communication (Science Communication)
School of Communications and Arts, The University of Queensland -
Master of Philosophy (Ecology)
School of Life Sciences, The University of Queensland -
Bachelor of Science (Honours)
Botany Department, The University of Queensland
Professional Experiences
May 2017-June 2021
Communication Advisor, Energy (& GISERA) and Land & Water Business Units
January 2016-April 2017
Science Communicator
Econnect Communication -
July 2015-April 2017
Communications and Admin Assistant
The Crawford Fund -
January 2015-June 2015
Communications and Engagement Officer
Centre for Mined Land Rehabilitation, The University of Queensland -
December 2000-December 2014
Senior Research and Research Officer
Centre for Mined Land Rehabilitation, The University of Queensland -
November 2006-March 2007
Environmental Advisor
Phosphate Hill Mine, Incitec Pivot Limited