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Dr June Hill

Principal Research Scientist: Mathematical Geosciences And Structural Geology


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June has a BSc (1st Class Honours, 1986) and PhD (1992), specialising in structural and metamorphic geology and plate tectonics. She has extensive experience in a diverse range of geological environments, from ancient Archean and Proterozoic terranes in Australia to younger terranes of NZ (Fiordland), Papua New Guinea and Indonesia.

June has held post-doctoral research positions at the University of Otago (NZ) and Macquarie University (NSW). She worked for Fractal Graphics as a geological consultant, during which time she developed a keen interest in the application of computer science to geology.

Subsequently, she received a MEngSci degree (2004) specialising in signal processing and pattern recognition (machine learning).

In 2003 she joined CSIRO, working on syntactical pattern recognition for reservoir modelling with the Petroleum Division.

Now as part of the Discovery Program in the Mineral Resources Business Unit, June uses her broad set of research skills and a practical approach to solve difficult problems in digital geology for mineral exploration and mining. She specialises in integrating complex geoscience data sets and incorporating expert knowledge to provide meaningful geological interpretation of numerical data.

Other Interests

Anything in or on the ocean or river: windsurfing, diving, snorkeling, surfing, stand-up paddle, underwater photography, sailing, whitewater canoeing. Sewing my own clothes, designing my dream home, fixing things, spending time with pets.

Current Roles

  • Principal Research Scientist
    Mathematical Geosciences and Structural Geology

Academic Qualifications

  • 1986

    BSc (First class Honours, geology and mineralogy)
    University of Queensland

  • 1992

    PhD (structural geology and tectonics)
    Monash University

  • 2004

    MEngSc (pattern recognition)
    University of Western Australia

Professional Experiences

  • 2002-2002

    University of Western Australia

  • 2001-2002

    Edith Cowan University

  • 1998-1998

    Senior Aquarist & Teaching Program Development
    University of Otago

  • 1993-1995

    Post-doctoral fellow
    Maquarie University

  • 1992-1993

    Post-doctoral fellow
    University of Otago

  • 1998-2000

    Consulting geologist
    Fractal Graphics

  • 1986-1986

    Structural geologist
    BMR (now Geoscience Australia)

Achievements and Awards

  • 1990-1990

    G.B. O'Malley Medal (for best student technical paper presented at a conference, AusIMM)

  • 1990-1990

    First Place, Student Paper Competition (1990 Pacific Rim Congress)

  • 1987-1990

    Commonwealth Postgraduate Research Award, (Priority Award level, 1989-1990)
    Commonwealth Government

  • 2018-2018

    Mineral Resources Customer Impact Award

  • 2016-2016

    Mineral Resources Collaboration Award

Community and Corporate Citizenship

  • 2012-2016

    Ordinary Councillor for the IAMG (International Association of Mathematical Geologists)

  • 2019-2019

    member of CMR Awards committee: Customer Impact Award

  • 2018-2019

    Chair the Commission on Women in IAMG

  • 2018-2018

    Conference subtheme organiser AGCC Adelaide 2018

  • 2018-2018

    Research-plus post-doc review panel (April)

  • 2018-2018

    IAMG2018 Annual Conference member of Scientific Committee

  • 2017-2017

    Research-plus post-doc review panel (March)

  • 2016-2017

    Conference organising committee for IAMG2017

  • 2016-2016

    Research-plus post-doc review panel (July)

  • 2015-2015

    IAMG 2015 Anuual Meeting Strategic Scientific Committee

  • 2014-2015

    IAMG Chair of the Future Publishing Strategy Commission

  • 2012-2012

    Co-ordinated 1 day of sessions for IAMG at IGC2012

  • 2011-2012

    IGC Councillor for the IAMG (International Association of Mathematical Geologists)

  • 2004-2011

    Health and Safety representative ARRC CSIRO Petroleum and Corporate Groups

  • 1994-1995

    Editor and member of Conference Organising Committee (Clare Valley, 1995), GSA-SGTSG