Carsten Laukamp is a senior research geoscientist at CSIRO Mineral Resources, based in Perth, Australia. Carsten obtained his Doctorate of Science (Dr. rer. Nat.) from the Ruprecht Karls University in Heidelberg, Germany, based on his study of the structural and fluid system evolution in the Otavi Mountain Land (Namibia) and its significance for the genesis of sulphide and nonsulphide mineralisation.
After his postdoctoral position at the James Cook University (Townsville, Australia), Carsten joined the Western Australian Centre of Excellence for 3D Mineral Mapping at the CSIRO (Perth, Australia). During his career at CSIRO, Carsten has been the project leader of AuScope's National Virtual Core Library Infrastructure Program from 2016 to 2023, and Group Leader of the Mineral Systems Science and Multidimensional Geoscience Groups in CSIRO Mineral Resources.
In his current role with CSIRO's Discovery Program, Carsten explores the potential for combined use of lab, field and remote visible and infrared reflectance spectroscopy, geochemistry and geophysics for regolith characterisation, tracing hydrothermal alteration signatures through cover, critical metals exploration and advancing ore body knowledge.
Achievements and Awards
Explorer of the Year award for C3DMM's development of the continental ASTER Geoscience Products and its involvement in the Kentor Gold discovery
Australian Mining Journal -
Business Excellence - Delivery of impact
Professional Areas
Fields of Research
Academic Qualifications
Doctorate in Natural Science (Dr. rer. nat.)
Ruprecht-Karls-Universität, Heidelberg -
Diploma in Geoscience
Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität, Frankfurt am Main
Professional Experiences
Research Scientist
Senior Lecturer in UWA 3rd year Mineral Exploration Course "Spectral Sensing Solutions to Mineral Exploration Challenges"
University of Western Australia -
Postdoctoral Fellow
James Cook University, Townsville
Other highlights
Invited Speaker: DVGeo Symposium to about 150 representatives from the German Bundestag, NGOs and Universities 2023; Indo-Pacific Space and Earth Conference 2023; AROSE Resources-Space Workshop 2022, Raw Materials Week '20, Berlin, Germany; EU Raw Materials'18, Brusells, Belgium; Exporation’17, Toronto, Canada; FUTORES II 2017, Townsville, Australia; AusAsia-MinTech 2014, Perth, Australia; 13th International Congress of the Brazilian Geophysical Society, 2013, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil; 2nd Annual Exploration and GIS in Mining 2013, Perth, Australia; ACG Open Pit Mining Seminar Series 2012, Perth, Australia; European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2010, Vienna, Austria.
Adjunct Research Fellow, Centre for Exploration Targeting, University of Western Australia