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Dr Joe Liu

Strategic Lead in Precision Fermentation


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Joe is the strategic lead in the field of precision fermentation in the Food Program. Joe’s research interest focuses on the scale-up of bioprocesses, technologies and products commercialisation in precision fermentation. Joe holds a Bachelor of Biotechnology, Master of Food Microbiology. He completed his PhD in CSIRO Food Innovation Centre, where his research was primarily centred around novel processing technologies’ impacts (e.g. Ultrasonication) on the functional modification of dairy proteins. Prior to joining CSIRO, Joe held the position of the General Manager in Probiotics Australia Pty Ltd. During his tenure, he was the key chief technical manager to design and construct the state-of-the-art TGA cGMP certified probiotics API manufacturing facilities located in the state of Queensland in Australia.

Joe's key areas of work in current position include the construction of a food-grade PC2 large scale facility for precision fermentation in the food innovation centre in Werribee. The facility is designed to accommodate 400 Litre fermentation capacity with downstream processing set-ups. Joe is also leading in the stakeholder engagement in this field to support the building of the sector, where he works closely with industry, government and other research organisations for collaborations.

Academic Qualifications

  • 2009

    PhD in Novel Food Processing Technologies
    CSIRO and RMIT University

  • 2007

    Master of Applied Science (Food Microbiology)
    University of Tasmania

  • 2002

    Bachelor of Biotechnology
    Jinan University