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Zoë Loh completed a PhD in high resolution spectroscopy of exotic ion-molecule clusters at the University of Melbourne. Since finishing her studies, she has developed and used spectroscopic methods to measure greenhouse gases in a range of contexts including from beef production, and monitoring for fugitive emissions from geological carbon storage and coal seam gas production. In collaboration with colleagues, greenhouse gas concentration data are used in atmospheric inversion studies to derive so called 'top-down' emissions estimates.
Zoë currently leads the Major Greenhouse Gases Team in CSIRO’s Climate Science Centre. Zoë's team is responsible for maintaining and developing high quality greenhouse gas observations across our global flask network and our in situ observation network around Australia, its Antarctic Territories, and on board the Research Vessel Investigator. The team uses these data to improve our understanding of the biogeochemical cycling of these radiatively important trace gases.
Zoë is also Lead Scientist in the Cape Grim Science Programme, responsible for perpetuating high quality observations of greenhouse gases at this crucial global site for long term measurements of environmental change, and interpreting these records to answer biogeochemical questions.
Other Interests
One of Zoë's core interests is in developing science based tools in support of the Paris Agreement, to limit global warming to less than 2˚C above the pre-industrial climate. That is, to use her expertise to develop independent assessments of greenhouse gas emissions over scales that have relevance to mitigation policies.
In particular, Zoë is interested in bringing her expertise to the urban domain where most anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions are produced and where smart policies are most likely to be effective at rapidly reducing emissions.
Professional Areas
Fields of Research
Current Roles
Team Leader, Observations: Greenhouse and Ozone Depleting Substances
Maintain and expand CSIRO's global flask network and national greenhouse gas monitoring network. Ensure data are delivered to the World Data Centre for Greenhouse Gases. Work with colleagues to utilise our observations to better constrain greenhouse gas emissions estimates. -
Cape Grim Lead Scientist
Maintain and develop world leading long-lived atmospheric greenhouse gas measurement records at this key global observatory. -
Member of the World Meteorological Organisation (WMO) Scientific Advisory Group for Greenhouse Gases
Provision of advice to the WMO Secretariat for the Atmospheric Environment Research Division on greenhouse gas observations, their quality assurance, data analysis and other relevant science matters.
Academic Qualifications
Ph.D. in Phyisical Chemistry
The University of Melbourne
Professional Experiences
Member of the Scientific Advisory Group for Greenhouse Gases
World Meteorological Organisation (WMO) -
Research Fellow, School of Resource Management, Land and Food Resources
The University of Melbourne
Achievements and Awards
Huntsman Australia Award for Research Excellence (for Honours thesis)
The University of Melbourne -
Travel grant to attend an iLEAPS workshop in Sweden
Marie Curie iLEAPS (Integrated Land Ecosystem Atmosphere Processes Study) -
Gold Award, jointly to the Otway Project Team for 'application of atmospheric monitoring to leak detection capability at the Otway CCS Project.'
Other highlights
First IG3IS Symposium and User Summit, Geneva, Switzerland (invited speaker)
2018 International Workshop on Global Atmosphere Watch (GAW) Activity, Jakarta, Indonesia (invitee)
Invited panellist: Monash University Women in STEM forum
Invited talk at the AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco
Related links
We have publications by Dr Zoe Loh