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Dr Prashant Srivastava

Soil Contaminant Chemist


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I am a researcher with three decades of diverse experience in environmental and agricultural science. My research focuses on environmental contaminants, waste management, recycling, and circular economy and has taken place in Asia, Australia, and North America.

I have led multidisciplinary research teams to deliver high-quality, high-impact research projects focussing on environmental contaminants assessment, remediation and management. I have worked collaboratively with diverse stakeholders to achieve outcomes that have brought about a step-change in the assessment of contaminated sites in Australia.

My current research interests include assessment, remediation and management of chemicals of emerging concern, including but not limited to per- and poly-fluoroalkyl substances (PFAS), microplastics, tyre rubber chemicals, e-wastes, personal care products etc in soil, surface and ground water, wastes and biosolids.

One of my current projects is developing beneficial reuse options for highly saline brine generated from coal seam gas production. Simultaneously I am also assessing and mitigating risks from environmental contaminants in construction and road waste to enable their reuse and circular economy.

Academic Qualifications

  • 2006

    PhD (Soil Science / Environmental Soil Chemistry)
    University of Sydney (Australia)

  • 2002

    PhD (Soil Science / Chemistry)
    G. B. Pant University of Agriculture & Technology (India)

  • 1997

    MScAgr (Soil Science)
    G. B. Pant University of Agriculture & Technology (India)

  • 1995

    BSc (Chemistry, Biology)
    University of Allahabad (India)

Current Roles

  • Soil Contaminant Chemist
    Soil Contaminant Chemist


  • 2023-2027

    Leaching and Mobility of PFAS from Concrete and Asphalt

  • 2023-2024

    Review of beneficial reuse or end-use options for brine from the Narrabri Gas Project (NGP) region

  • 2011-2013

    Green remediation options for hydrocarbon-contaminated sediments ($1,892,810)

  • 2012-2014

    Remediation of hydrocarbon contaminated soil through biopile ($1,030,841)

  • 2012-2013

    Risk-based remediation of hydrocarbon contaminated soils ($339,900)

  • 2011-2013

    Remediation of hydrocarbon contaminated soil through slurry bioreactor ($499,290)

  • 2015-2016

    Human health risk assessment of old railway sleepers ($231,112)

  • 2016-2017

    Bioremediation of hydrocarbon contaminated soils from the Former Rail Loop Ponds at Mount Whaleback – Laboratory Biopile Study ($ 129,095)

  • 2016-2017

    Hydrocarbon contaminated groundwater remediation action plan and plume containment strategy at Finucane Island, Western Australia ($23,900)

  • 2016-2017

    Finucane Island and Nelson Point vapour modelling and site investigation ($126,210‬)

  • 2015-2016

    Reviewing the remediation action plan for Burgess Point, Former Powerhouse and Locomotive Service Shop East. ($ 29,210)

  • 2011-2012

    Development of a site ranking tool software ($56,000)

  • 2012-2012

    Review of treatment of oily wastewater ($55,000)

  • 2012-2012

    Review on remediation options for disused contaminated rail sleepers ($30,000)

  • 2017-2020

    LNAPL natural source zone depletion ($2,000,000)

  • 2016-2018

    Use of silica gel cleanup in TRH analysis ($122,150)

  • 2012-2012

    Assessing the capability of ReMat in TPH removal using the large multi-sampling ports glass column ($125,000)

  • 2014-2014

    Molybdenum assessment in hydrocarbon contaminated soils ($5,000)

  • 2005-2005

    Synchrotron studies on Pb EXAFS at the Photon Factory, Japan (Australian Synchrotron Research Programme) ($5000)

  • 2005-2005

    Synchrotron studies on Cd EXAFS at the Advanced Photon Source, USA (Australian Synchrotron Research Programme) ($5000)

  • 2012-2012

    Groundwater investigation at Penrice site, Port Adelaide ($10,000)

Professional Experiences

  • 2010-2022

    Adjunct Senior Research Fellow
    University of South Australia, Adelaide (Australia)

  • 2008-2020

    Principal Scientist / Research Program Leader
    Cooperative Research Centre for Contamination Assessment & Remediation of the Environment (CRC CARE), Adelaide (Australia)

  • 1997-2002

    Senior Research/Teaching Fellow
    G. B. Pant University of Agriculture & Technology (India)

  • 2007-2008

    Environmental Scientist
    Coffey International, Sydney (Australia)

  • 2006-2007

    Postdoctoral Associate
    Savannah River Ecology Laboratory, University of Georgia (USA)

  • 2002-2006

    Research Assistant / Teaching Assistant
    University of Sydney (Australia)

  • 1995-1997

    Research Assistant / Teaching Assistant
    G. B. Pant University of Agriculture & Technology (India)

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