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Mr Keith Vining joined CSIRO in 2001 as a Project Scientist. Prior to joining CSIRO Mr Vining held several private sector positions based in the UK, Greece and Australia working primarily working as an Exploration Geologist in base metal exploration.

Keith’s research expertise is in the field of iron ore characterisation and process engineering. He applies this expertise in research projects related to:
- iron ore characterisation,
- development of novel agglomeration processes,
- energy reduction in the iron ore and metallurgical coal value-chains
- bonding mechanisms and binder systems for agglomeration

Since joining CSIRO Keith initially worked in the area of iron ore mineralogy and sinter microstructure characterisation in order to understand the relationship between ore characteristics and sinter physical and metallurgical quality, moving onto the assessment and replacement of metallurgical coke with biomass metallurgical fuel/reductant in agglomeration and solid state reduction processes.

Keith also led the research effort to develop an alternative agglomeration process to develop an upgraded product for direct blast furnace charge from goethitic iron ore fines to add value to the Australian iron ore resource base. Keith led the research effort, which involved input from several commercial partners and successfully internationally patented the process.

Further, Keith’s was instrumental in establishing a pilot-scale and research capability for coke making at CSIRO’s facility in QLD, Australia. In particular, the research aspects focussed on the use of neutron beam technology for 3D imaging of coke particles to assess pore structure development during carbonisation, swelling behaviour during the plastic phase and quantification of open/closed pore structure and nano-pore structure and the subsequent effects on gas-solid interactions in CO2.

Keith has held multiple research leadership positions, but is currently Group Leader for the Green Metals Production group and has overall responsibility for managing CSIRO’s research effort on de-carbonising iron and steel-making, development of high efficiency processes for magnesium and lithium metal production and pyrometallurgical research relating to critical minerals.

Keith also leads the India-Australia Green Steel Research Program, a 3.5 year program working on areas on common interest to both countries and building enduring research relationships with Indian research institutes and industry. He was also responsible improving collaboration in pyrometallurgical research by developing the CSIRO-Swinburne Collaboration on Sustainable Resource Processing and jointly manages this collaboration on behalf of CSIRO with Prof. Geoff Brooks (Swinburne University of Technology).

He has authored more than 60 technical reports and conference and journal papers and is listed as inventor on 11 international patents related to the agglomeration of goethitic iron ore.