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Dr Pamela Alexandre

Pronouns: she,her,hers

Research Scientist


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Pâmela Alexandre is a postdoctoral fellow at CSIRO Agriculture and Food, based in St. Lucia, Brisbane. Her main project is entitled “The weakest link – using genomics to lift the productivity of Australia’s northern rangeland beef herds” and aims to develop methods to make cutting-edge DNA technologies affordable to commercial beef cattle producers. Pâmela holds a bachelor’s degree in Animal Science from the University of São Paulo (2007-2011) and both MSc (2012-2015) and PhD (2015-2019) in Animal Science from the same institution, with sandwich periods at the University of Copenhagen/Denmark (2014) and CSIRO/Australia (2017/2018). During her Master and PhD, she worked with transcriptomics and system biology analysis to uncover the molecular mechanisms behind feed efficiency in Nellore (Bos indicus) cattle, developing skills that are now applied to a variety of RNA-Seq datasets.

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