Dr Julio Braslavsky
Senior Principal Research Scientist
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Julio Braslavsky is a Senior Principal Research Scientist with the Power Systems Team of CSIRO Energy. In this role he provides scientific leadership and expert advice in CSIRO strategic partnerships with the Australian Government, the electricity industry, and national and global research and technology organisations to support the transition to affordable, reliable, and secure low-emission electricity systems.
Julio leads the development of modelling and analytic tools and technologies to enable this transition. His current research focus is the design and computation of robust and fair dynamic network capacity allocation for distributed energy resources, and the development of models and control designs for power electronics-based devices to maximise the utilisation of three-phase unbalanced power distribution network infrastructure.
He is currently project lead for the Australian team in the US-UK-Australia Global Center in Climate Change and Clean Energy EPICS – Electric Power Innovation for a Carbon-free Society. Following work in a CSIRO strategic partnership with Google Australia Smart Inverter Project with Alphabet’s X’s Tapestry, Julio leads modelling and development of power electronics devices to support power quality and expand network capacity in distribution networks.
Prior to joining CSIRO, Julio has held academic research positions with the University of Newcastle, Australia, the National Research Council of Argentina, the University of California at Santa Barbara, and the Catholic University of Louvain, Belgium.
He has published one scholarly book, two scholarly book chapters, and over 140 papers in scientific journals and conferences. He is internationally recognised for his work on the modelling and control of ensembles of flexible distributed electric loads, the stabilisation of feedback systems over communication channels, and the analysis of fundamental limitations in filtering and control design.
Professional Areas
Current Roles
Project Lead
NSF Global Center Electric Power Innovation for Carbon-free Society (EPICS) Project -
Research Lead and Coordinator
Google X Tapestry Project: power electronics tools for stable and resilient decentralised clean energy systems -
Energy Systems Community of Practice for Modelling and Simulation Tools -
Research expert and assessor
Global Power Systems Transformation (Stage 4) -
Senior Principal research scientist
Network Optimisation and Decarbonisation strategic portfolio -
Research expert
Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) - Vietnam Engagement
Academic Qualifications
PhD (Electrical Engineering), The University of Newcastle, Australia
Electronic Engineer (equivalent Masters), National University of Rosario, Argentina
Professional Experiences
Senior Editor
IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology -
Honorary Senior Lecturer
School of Engineering (Electrical and Computer Engineering), The University of Newcastle, Australia. -
Research Academic and Program Leader for Industrial Control and Optimisation
Australian Research Council Centre of Excellence for Complex Dynamic Systems and Control. The University of Newcastle, Australia -
Research Academic and Project Leader (Optimisation-Based Operator Guidance, in partnership with BHP Billiton)
Centre for Complex Dynamic Systems and Control, The University of Newcastle, Australia. -
Research Fellow (Investigador Adjunto)
Argentina National Council for Scientific Research and Technology (CONICET) -
Associate Professor
Department of Science and Technology, Universidad Nacional de Quilmes, Argentina. -
Research Academic
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, The University of Newcastle, Australia -
Visiting Researcher
Center for Control Engineering & Computation (CCEC), Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering, University of California, Santa Barbara, USA -
Postdoctoral Fellow
Centre for Systems Engineering, Automatics and Applied Mechanics (CESAME), Universite Catholique de Louvain, Belgium -
Research Associate
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, The University of Newcastle, Australia
Achievements and Awards
Best Presentation Award for "Dynamic closed-loop voltage control" at the Innovative Smart Grid Technologies (ISGT) Asia 2021 hybrid conference
Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers, Power and Energy Society -
Energy Networks Australia Innovation Award for 2020 to the ARENA Project Advanced VPP Grid Integration, led by SA Power Networks in partnership with Tesla Motors Australia and the CSIRO.
Energy Networks Australia -
W.R. Ahern Award to the best technical paper published in Ecolibrium
Australian Institute of Refrigeration, Air Conditioning and Heating (AIRAH) -
2014 Australian Control Conference Best Student Paper Award to Rahmat Heidari (PhD student), for the paper “Ultimate boundedness of droop controlled microgrids with secondary loops”, by R. Heidari, M. Seron, and J.H. Braslavsky.
Australian Control Conference -
Elected to the grade of Senior Member of the IEEE, in recognition of professional standing for 10 years demostrating 5 years of significant performance.
Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers
Other highlights
Appointed Senior Editor on the IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology in the area of power systems and infrastructure
Appointed Adjunct (Honorary) Senior Lecturer at the School of Engineering, The University of Newcastle
Chief Investigator (solo), Australian Research Council Discovery Project: Algebraic and geometric methods in switched control systems analysis and design. Grant: AUD 225,000. Relinquished on December 2010 when joined CSIRO.
Community and Corporate Citizenship
Senior Editor, IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology
Alternate Australian delegate, International Energy Agency (IEA) Implementing Agreement for a Co-operative Programme on Smart Grids (ISGAN)
Member of the Energy Science Committee, Quality and Metrics
Associate Editor, IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology
Volunteer for the ASSETS (Aboriginal Summer School for Excellence in Technology and Science) program
Associate Editor for the IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies – Asia Conference, Melbourne, November 28 December 1, 2016.
Volunteer for the Scientists & Mathematicians in Schools (SMiS) Program
Associate Editor at Large, 52nd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control
Senior Member, IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)
Associate Editor, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control
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