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Paul completed his undergraduate degree at the University of Auckland in New Zealand and was awarded an MSc in 1994 having investigated the causes of browning in apples. In that same year Paul moved to Adelaide to take up a PhD scholarship in the first Cooperative Research Centre for Viticulture. Paul’s PhD project concerned the molecular biological processes involved with the production of anthocyanin pigments in grape berry skins. Following this, Paul took up a research position at CSIRO Plant Industry to investigate inflorescence formation in grapes with the major goal of rapidly inducing flower production in juvenile vines. This interest in flowering and molecular genetics lead Dr Boss to the John Innes Centre in England where he worked on flowering in the model plant Arabidopsis. In 2004, Paul returned to Adelaide to lead a research group at CSIRO Plant Industry investigating flavour and aroma development in grape berries, with a particular interest in the link between grape secondary metabolism and wine flavour and aroma. His current research activities bring together the disciplines of analytical chemistry, molecular biology and genetics to understand the impact of environment, management and genotype on grape secondary metabolism.
Professional Areas
Current Roles
Project Leader
Grapevine Gene-editing -
Affiliate Professor
University of Adelaide
Academic Qualifications
Unversity of Adelaide -
MSc (Hons)
University of Auckland -
University of Auckland
Professional Experiences
Postdoctoral Fellow, John Innes Centre UK, Vernalisation in Arabidopsis
Postdoctoral Fellow, CSIRO Plant Industry, Grapevine flowering
We have publications by Dr Paul Boss