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A software engineer, digital lead, and software architect working in the CSIRO Mineral Resources Business Unit since 2018. Sam has 16 years of experience delivering all types of software projects from production web applications to experimental scientific prototypes.
Currently leading the Exploration Toolkit, a platform for leveraging 30 years' worth of CSIRO Mineral Resources data, analytics, knowledge and more to enhance internal capability, drive business development and offer external services assisting in exploration.
Achievements and Awards
Science Delivery Excellence Award
CSIRO Mineral Resources
Current Roles
Digital Lead
Mineral Resources -
Project Leader
Exploration Toolkit (Project) -
Software Engineer
Mineral Resources: Discovery Program
Other highlights
Data Mosaic Web App Lead Developer
Professional Experiences
Senior Software Engineer
CSIRO Mineral Resource -
Software Engineering and Architecture
Center for Transforming Maintenance Through Data Science -
Application Development
Insurance Commission of Western Australia
We have publications by Mr Sam Bradley