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Mr John Clarke

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Research Group Leader Regional Climate Intelligence


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John currently leads the Regional Climate Intelligence Group which houses core climate science capability in CSIRO. John has over a decade of experience developing climate change projections and helping decision-makers make use of them. He also brings a range of experience from previous roles, having been a camera operator in the Australian news media, a national park ranger in central Australia, and a conservation ecologist managing endangered species in Queensland. John has a passion for ensuring the vital research undertaken by the climate science community is used to inform real world decisions. His current work has a strong focus on helping Australians get the most out of climate change projections.

John is currently co-leading the development of climate projections for Victoria, building on previous work released in 2019 (the Victorian Climate Projections 2019). These two projects lead the way in methods to produce scientifically robust projections by drawing on multiple lines of evidence. John was recently CSIRO lead author of the Australian State of the Climate 2022 report, a collaboration between CSIRO and the Bureau of Meteorology. This high impact report, released every two years, synthesises the latest science on observed and projected trends in atmospheric and ocean climate and extremes. John is also a contributor to the NESP Climate Systems Hub, focusing on the usability and applicability of climate projections. Other recent projects include the enhancement and maintenance of the Climate Change in Australia website and the provision of Projections Products and Services for climate change vulnerability, impacts and adaptation.

He has worked extensively in Australia and the Pacific, developing and delivering training materials to build climate change literacy and impact assessment capability. His breadth of experience has provided deep insights into both climate science and on-ground applications. His skills include: assessing the climate information needs of impacts and adaptation projects; developing fit-for-purpose climate projections datasets; assessing impacts on threatened species; design and analysis of research; interpretation of research findings into management actions; development and delivery of educational programmes; science communication; and development of decision support systems. John has many years’ experience giving presentations, media interviews and has written and contributed to a range of reports and peer-reviewed publications. He has also authored scientific reports for the private sector.

John has published on methods for applying climate change projections in impact assessments, climate change and threatened species, and is a co-author of the 2015 CSIRO/BoM climate change projections for Australia.

Current Roles

  • Project Co-Leader
    Victorian Climate Projections 2024