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Dr Nagur Cherukuru leads the National Pilots Work Package in AquaWatch Australia Mission, which focuses on implementing integrated approaches to monitor and forecast water quality changes in complex estuarine and coastal waters. He is also a senior research scientist with the Coastal and Oceanic Systems program in CSIRO's Environment business unit. His research focuses on bio-optical measurements, optical remote sensing models, coastal water quality mapping and land-to-ocean connections. He has led and participated in multiple optical oceanographic expeditions across the world (Australia, Chile, Malaysia, Singapore, India and UK). Remote sensing algorithms developed by Nagur have been successfully implemented both in tropical and temperate regions to understand land to ocean outflows and their impact on coastal water quality. His collaborative projects focus on developing new approaches to integrate earth observation, in situ sensing, cloud computing and machine learning towards monitoring and management solutions for complex estuarine and coastal waters.
Professional Areas
- Optical oceanography
- Bio-optical measurements and modelling
- In situ measurements and field design in aquatic ecosystems.
- Remote sensing algorithm development
- Impact of extreme events on coastal water optical properties
- Linking oceanographic processes and optical signature variability
- Linking climate, land and ocean processes using earth observation data
Fields of Research
Current Roles
Lead, National Pilots Work Package, CSIRO AquaWatch Mission
Development, research and management of inland and coastal pilot projects focussing on the integration of EO, in situ and modelling data. -
Project Lead, NSW Coastal outflows
Remote sensing model development and multi-decadal satellite data analysis to map hotspots and trends in NSW coastal waters. -
Project Lead, AquaWatch Pilot Project: Aquaculture in Spencer Gulf, South Australia.
Research, development and implementation of EO data integration platform for water quality monitoring and management. -
Project Lead, AI4Missions: Earth observation data-driven coastal water quality forecasting.
Research, development and implementation of data-driven water quality models
Academic Qualifications
Doctor of Philosophy in Marine Optics & Remote Sensing
University of Plymouth, United Kingdom. -
Master of Science (Technology) in Geophysics
Andhra University, India.
Professional Experiences
Senior Research Scientist, Optical oceanography and remote sensing
CSIRO, Australia. -
Research Scientist, Measurents, modelling and remote sensing of coastal waters.
CSIRO, Australia. -
Post-doctoral Fellow, Optical modelling in complex coastal waters.
CSIRO, Australia. -
Research Assistant, Optical properties of marine aerosols.
Plymouth Marine Laboratory, United Kingdom -
Research Assistant, Hyperspectral investigations of optically active material.
University of Plymouth, United Kingdom. -
Research Assistant, High spatial resolution airborne remote sensing.
University of Plymouth, United Kingdom. -
Junior Research Fellow, Development of Chlorophyll-a algorithm for OceanSat-1.
Indian Space Research Organisation
Other highlights
Invited participant in the Australian-Brazil virtual research collaboration meeting
Invited talk on Multi hazard vulnerability and mitigation in coastal areas towards impact based mullti-hazard warning system, VAIBHAV summit, Government of India.
Keynote speaker at the international workshop on remote sensing of marine ecological environments. Guangzhou, China
Invited talk on coastal remote sensing to highlight recent advances made by CSIRO ARS team. Nanyang Technological University, Singapore.
Invited to participate in the International Indian Ocean Expedition. Ministry of Earth Sciences, India.
Organised the first Australia -India ocean colour remote sensing workshop.
NSW coastal outflows. The New South Wales Department of Planning and Environment.
UK Research and Innovation. EO4AgroClimate: VISualisation and Assessment of water quality using an Open Data Cube FOR the weStern English chAnnel - Vis4Sea (Co-PI). Joint collaborative project with Plymouth Marine Laboratory.
Earth observation data-driven coastal water quality forecasting. AI4Missions, CSIRO
AquaWatch Pilot Project: Aquaculture in Spencer Gulf, South Australia. SmartSat CRC.
Pilot project: NSW coastal outflows. The New South Wales Department of Planning and Environment.
Regional Collaborations Programme, Australian Academy of Sciences.
International Indian Ocean Expedition (ship time), Ministry of Earth Sciences, India.
Australia-India Strategic Research Fund (PI: Dr. Arnold Dekker): Remote sensing of marine environments workshop.
Natural Environment Research Council, U.K. (PI: Dr Peter Land, UK): Remote sensing of phytoplankton primary production in estuarine waters.
Natural Environment Research Council , U.K. (PI: Dr S lavender): Hyperspectral investigations of optically active material.
We have publications by Dr Nagur Cherukuru