Dr Karen Evans is a Team Leader and principal research scientist with CSIRO based in Hobart, Tasmania. Her research is focused on improving scientific understanding of the state of marine species and ecosystems and key threatening processes placing pressures on populations, particularly in relation to threatened, endangered and protected species. She delivers information and tools for supporting sustainable and effective management of marine industries, particularly in relation to national and international fisheries and offshore renewable energy. She is currently co-chair of the Global Ocean Observing System’s Biology and Ecosystem expert Panel, joint coordinator of the third United Nations (UN) World Ocean Assessment and a member of the World Meteorological Organisation task team on climate and fisheries. She was a member of the Executive Planning Group and interim Decade Advisory Board for the UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development and a past co-chair of the International Marine Biosphere Research Project's Regional Programme Climate Impacts on Top Predators (CLIOTOP). She continues to provide advice to the UN Decade of Ocean Science, Australian delegations to various UN processes and the National Marine Science Committee and is an associate editor of the Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences.