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Dr Beth Fulton

Pronouns: she,her,hers

Domain Leader, Integrated Ocean Stewardship


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Dr Beth Fulton is a Senior Principal Research Scientist with CSIRO Environment, where she leads the Integrated Ocean Stewardship Research Domain. She has spent over 20 years developing various system modelling tools for looking at marine ecosystems and sustainability. The common theme to Beth’s work has been on developing system-scale decision support tools in support of sustainable management of potentially competing uses of marine environments and adaptation to global change.

With a background in ecology, marine biology and mathematics Beth has concentrated on developing whole of system models (e.g. The models she has helped develop have provided insights to a range of national and international bodies (including government agencies in Australia, US, Chile, EU along with international bodies like the CBD, FAO and other parts of the UN) - providing decision support and understanding for regional marine planning, managing the impacts of fishing, supporting sustainable aquaculture and alternative livelihoods, as well as understanding and managing climate change. Dr Fulton is also an Adjunct Professor at the Centre for Marine Socioecology, University of Tasmania (, where she supports students and collaborates on projects around finding sustainable options for the blue economy (the use of coastal and ocean systems). From 2019-2021 Beth was the Research Program Leader for Environment & Ecosystems at the Blue Economy CRC, one of Australia’s largest CRCs, which looks to deliver innovation around sustainable seafood and renewable energy production. She has been the recipient of numerous prestigious national and international awards in recognition of the importance and impact of her work. In 2022 she became a Fellow in both the Australian Academy of Science and the Australian Academy of Technological Sciences & Engineering.

Current Roles

  • Domain Leader, Integrated Ocean Stewardship
    Decision support, information systems, support for new ocean activities all within the context of sustainable and equitable use of oceans and coasts

  • Project Lead
    Strategic modelling and climate adaptation for Australia's fisheries

  • Project Lead
    Atlantis Modelling

  • Developer
    Integrated systems models for exploring Blue Carbon , regional planning and alternative livelihoods

  • Researcher
    Ocean Futures

Academic Qualifications

  • 2001

    PhD - The effects of the structure and formulation of ecosystem models on model performance
    University of Tasmania

  • 1997

    Bachelor of Science with Honours I
    Departments of Marine Biology and Mathematics and Statistics, James Cook University of North Queensland

  • 1996

    Bachelor of Science
    James Cook University of North Queensland

Professional Experiences

  • 2019-2021

    Program Leader
    Environment & Ecosystems, Blue Economy CRC

  • 2017-Current

    Deputy Director
    Centre for Marine Socioecology, University of Tasmania

  • 2015-2019

    Research Group Leader (Ecosystem modelling, Risk Assessment and Informatics)

  • 2005-Current

    Senior Research Scientist
    CSIRO Marine and Atmospheric Research

  • 2004-2005

    Research Scientist
    CSIRO Marine Research

  • 2004-Current

    Guest lecturer UTAS summer/winter schools on ecosystem modelling
    UTAS, IMBER and other research ahgencies

  • 2001-2004

    Postdoctoral Fellow
    CSIRO Marine Research

Achievements and Awards

  • 2022-

    Australian Academy of Science

  • 2020-

    Beverton Medal distinguished scientist for a lifelong contribution to fisheries science
    Fisheries Society of the British Isles

  • 2019-

    Kay Radway Allen Award for outstanding contribution in fish or fisheries science
    Australian Society for Fish Biology

  • 2017-2021

    Highly Cited Researcher in Plant & Animal Science
    Clarivate Analytics

  • 2017-

    Biennial medallist
    Modelling and Simulation Society of Australia and New Zealand

  • 2016-

    Hall of Fame
    Australian Society For Fish Biology

  • 2011-

    Sustainability Science Award

  • 2010-

    Pew Marine Science Fellowship

  • 2007-

    Science Minister's Prize for Life Scientist of the Year
    Australian Prime Minister's Science Prizes

  • 2004-

    Award for outstanding PhD
    Royal Society of Tasmania

  • 2002-

    Dean's commendation for outstanding PhD by research
    University of Tasmania

  • 1997-

    University Medal in Marine Biology and Mathematics and Statistics and Palmerston-Rundel Prize for Best Honours in Biological Sciences, James Cook University
    James Cook University

Community and Corporate Citizenship

  • 2020-

    Editorial board - Fish and Fisheries

  • 2018-

    Editorial board - Socio-Environmental Systems MOdeling (SESMO)

  • 2018-

    Ecology & Society

  • 2013-

    Member of Antarctic Science Advisory Committee

  • 2013-

    Editor - Conservation Letters

  • 2012-

    Guest Editor - PLoS Computation

  • 2011-2012

    Guest Editor - Journal of Marine Systems

  • 2011-2012

    Steering committee chair for the IMBER summer school on ecosystem modelling

  • 2010-2013

    Research Advisory Board - VECTORS (EU project)

  • 2008-2009

    Member of organising committee for EwE 25th Anniversary Symposium

  • 2008-

    Member of organising committee for AMEMR II conferences (Plymouth UK)