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Kate joined CSIRO as an ecohydrologist in 2004 and currently leads the Groundwater management Group in the Water Security Program. In this role, she leads a group of 40 multi-disciplinary groundwater scientists who work to develop innovative field, laboratory and modelling science to support safe and secure groundwater resources for communities, industries and the environment across Australia, South Asia and the Pacific.
She also leads multi-disciplinary project teams (geology, hydrogeology, hydrology, water quality, ecology and impact analysis) that compile independent, evidence-based information to support policy-makers, communities, industry and regulators to make decisions about future energy and mineral resource development. Current projects include the 'Securing water for sustainable hydrogen production' project funded by the National Water Grid and the 'Trusted Environmental and Geological Information Program' funded by the Department of Industry, Science and Resources and in collaboration with Geoscience Australia.
Previous high profile roles include project leader for the $35.4 million Geological and Bioregional Assessment Program and for the Maranoa-Balonne-Condamine subregion in the Bioregional Assessments Program. These roles use her multi-disciplinary knowledge to improve communication between disciplines and to bridge the science-policy divide. Kate has authored (or co-authored) 21 scientific journal publications, including a review of groundwater-surface water interactions in arid/semi-arid wetlands.
Professional Areas
Fields of Research
Current Roles
Science director
Strategic Basins - Trusted Environmental and Geological Information
Academic Qualifications
Flinders University of South Australia -
BSc (Hons)
University of Adelaide
Community and Corporate Citizenship
L&W Post-doctoral fellow coordinator
L&W Science Council
Waite Campus Conference coordinator
We have publications by Dr Kate Holland