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Dr David Ireland

Senior Research Scientist


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Dr. David Ireland received a Bachelor of Engineering in Microelectronics and Masters of Philosophy and Ph.D. in electronic engineering and computer science from Griffith University. He is now a Senior Research Scientist at the Australian E-Health Research Centre. Here he works with speech & occupational therapists and other clinicians in realising technology interventions which have gone on to win national awards in research & development.

Reportedly a "legend in chatbots for health" he does research on a broad range of issues, from therapeutic technology in chronic pain and autism spectrum disorder to smoking cessation, Parkinson's disease and genetic counselling.

He is also a proponent for artificial general intelligence research.

His main expertise is in conversation (chatbot) design, natural language processing, logic programming, machine learning, radio physics, electronics, and mathematics.

Prior to CSIRO, he was a postdoctoral fellow at the Microwave Imaging Laboratory at the University of Queensland developing imaging algorithms for detecting brain strokes and breast cancer using microwave radiation.

His favorite programming language is Lisp and routinely uses Flutter, Common Lisp, Scheme, C/C++ and other Unix utilities.

Other Interests

  • Latin
  • Philosophy
  • Rare books
  • Beekeeping
  • Functional programming
  • Lovecraftian Lisp macros

Academic Qualifications

  • 2004

    Griffith University
    Bachelor of Engineering in Microelectronics

  • 2006

    Griffith University
    Masters of Philiosphy in Engineering

  • 2010

    Griffith University
    Doctor of Philiosphy in Engineering & Computer Science

We have publications by Dr David Ireland