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Dr Kiani is a scientist at CSIRO conducting research in the area of CO2 Capture technologies and utilisation. Having strong chemical engineering background has enabled him to analyse and understand real life challenges, and find the engineering solutions for them. He has been involved in conducting, managing and leading a number of energy and environmental research projects during his career thus far over the last 10 years.

He has been the project leader and science leader for a number of research and industrial projects at CSIRO, including teh ARENA funded "methane as a fuel carrier" project, DAC demonstration projects with Rolls Royce in the UK, and future science platform Permanent Carbon Locking funded project on new gas-liquid contacting for DAC. Ali has had a pivotal role in the field of Direct Air Capture at CSIRO, managing project teams and providing supervision and mentorship to young scientists and postdocs.

Other Interests

Low emission technologies; Direct Air Capture; Renewable fuels

Achievements and Awards

  • 2019-2019

    Presentation in Falling Walls Lab in Canberra
    Australian Academy of Science

  • 2017-2018

    CSIRO RO postdoctoral fellowship

  • 2015-2015

    Excellence in the Field of Ash Research

  • 2012-2016

    UON postgraduate scholarship
    University of Newcastle

Academic Qualifications

  • 2017

    PhD of Chemical Engineering
    The University of Newcastle

  • 2012

    Master of Chemical Engineering/Process Design
    The University of Tehran

  • 2009

    Bachelor of Chemical Engineering
    Shiraz University

Professional Experiences

  • 2020-now

    HSE committee membership

  • 2019-2020

    American Chemical Society (ACS)

  • 2019-2020

    Reviewer Board membership

We have publications by Dr Ali Kiani